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evil jump #2: commie guard tower jumb level 3.

Guest DancingJoker

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Guest DancingJoker

Can someone send me a save for this damn frustrating jump. I have done all the fun things, always run, hold down alt, x, ctrl, some, both, all, trying to hit different parts of the tower, but no luck.

had the same problem with the radio tower, got a save, thank you bonnie. Did the same stuff there, didn't always move the crate, but you don't have to to get up there (I'm not totally clueless about jumps, made it from where the crate starts, and the little curb) I tried the one on the indy.infernalmachine.net (or whatever it is if I messed something up) but it screws up my game, Indy keeps talking about doors, and once I was wading knee deep in the floor of the bunker, so please someone, HELP ME!

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you have to go back to the level where you first fought the commies. get to the road and go down the lane. not over the bridge. follow the dog . climb the ledge and walk around until you see the tower. jump to the highest level of the towerand go down the ladder.

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I had the same problem, but got through when I held down the up arrow key for the whole jump. Go try it. I think it is sort of strange, 'cuz on a Viper V770(which I don't have) I nailed it on the first try. The level 4 window also broke on the first shot while I was using that computer to play. Anyway, if you're still stuck on that jump after trying what I did, I have a save, I'll send it to you if you ask me to.

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Guest Tig_ohwhatthehell

Let me guess: you probably do not have a very fast computer processor? (maybe around 200 mhz?) If so, you are gonna have problems jumping all through the game.....

I've had the same problem in level two with that stupid radio building, and also I had Bonnie's savegame. However, I kept having problems. Last week I bought a new computer system.It's 450 mhz, ERAZOR III 3d card, and now the game runs perfectly!!!!!

Not only does the screen scroll beautifully, but finally I can get over those nasty jumps.

(which aren't so difficult actually, now I make all the jumps the first try)

Really stupid of lucasarts to say the game requires a 200 mhz processor minimum, because with that speed you can forget it!!

The really annoying bouncing off the walls does not happen anymore now that I have an updated system.

Hope you can solve you're problems, and please let me know if I'm terribly wrong, but this is what I think it is...


Ciao Wim

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Guest DancingJoker

me again, well, I decided to put up with the russian river and the constant door chatter, and thankfully it fixed itself when the next level started, 'course I woulda prefered if the item and weapon codes hadn't been used.

got to the volcano (so glad it wasn't just the demo level, they had me scared there) so far the jumps are fine, just those two. hmm, so when I get the new motherboard.....


oh, and for the one person, I did run around the gate and down there, I figured I didn't need to mention that obvious fact, thanks for your help though.

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