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need help - level 6 - volcano

Guest emily

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In level 6, the palawan volcano, I'm stuck in the lava room. I've flooded the floor with lava, but I can't figure out how to get onto the blocks that I moved to the colored squares. I think I know where I need to go, but I can't get there. Help, please! Thanks!

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Hi Emily, You have to move the blocks on the floor onto the green squares. Then practice jumping over the lava. Make sure you dont overcompensate when you jump across because when you flood the room you'll get fried. Then go up and flood the room, go down to the boardwalk and jump onto the blocks that you moved. Jump across the lava and use the ladders to get up to the boardwalk on that side climb the ladder and go through the door. Have fun.


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ok...I've got the blocks on the green squares. How do I get to the first one? I'd appreciate some specifics, I'm getting sick of bursting into flames or falling to my death. Thanks for the help.

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After you push the button run across the platform and climb down the ladder, then climb acroos the other ladder until you are above the spot with 2 handholds and a cave. Drop down (you may need to use jump), Indy will grab the handholds and end up hanging from the cave, climb into the cave and make a running jump from there. Be careful not to go too far on the jump to the rock on the opposite side or you will go up in flames.

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Hi Emily.

When you are standing at the firts stone, you can see two holes in the stone wall and a cave. If you climb up the ladder right above this two holes and push the down arrow you will lett go of the ladder and grap the first hole. Do this until you get to the cave and climb in. you are now ready to jump over.


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