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Macro Guide


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Macros Made Easy


Well I am very much a macro person and have been reading up on how to use macros. So I have compiled everything I have found out. So here is the big enchilada. Just to note I am assuming that every tool Bar I use in this is all ready empty.


1.A. Intro and Armor removal Macro

1.B. Armor Removal Macro Code

2.A. Foraging Macro and Looping

2.B. Foraging Loop Macro Code

2.C How to stop a Looping Macro

3.A. Using Alias's and Dancing Macro

3.B. Dancing Macro Code

4.A. Loading a Macro from a .txt file and Targeting Macro

4.B. Targeting Macro .txt file

5.A. Weapon Switch Macro

5.B. Weapon Switch Code

6.A. Using a Macro to Craft

6.B. Crafting Macro Code

7.A. Conclusion


1.A. Macros are a set of commands you want the computer to perform at the push of a button. This is what the bar at the top of the screen is essentially for. This guide is to show you how you make macros. The first step in making a macro is getting to the window where you create your macros. You achieve this by pressing Ctrl + A at the same time. There will then be a tab at the top of the window that came up that says macro, you click this tab.

Now that we have gotten to the spot to make a macro, now it is time to make our macros. I want to start by making a macro to remove your entire set of armor quickly for when you sit and re-gain your HAM after a battle. Ok that was the easy part. You can double the size of your macro bar by clicking the bottom of it and dragging down till a second row appears. We have to choose what Pane we want this macro to happen on. There are 6 different tool bars to choose from; I like the last tool bar pane for my armor, pane 6. Now open your inventory and click and drag every piece of armor you want to change to into the tool bar.

Now to make the macro part, go back to the Macro Window and now at the bottom there is a button for making a new macro, press this button to begin. Start by Giving this macro a name, I called mine "Nakey Time", then pick the icon you want to represent the macro. We want to make sure the tool bar flips to the correct Pane, in this case that is pane 6, the one where we put our entire set of armor in. Before we type the macro for that, I need to explain how the macros count. Macros count from 0 up, we count from 1 up and every thing is labeled 1 and up. So when we are looking at Tool bar Pane 1 it is really tool bar 00 to the computer. It is confusing I know but this it how Sony did it. We want to flip the Tool bar Pane to Pane (6 to us, 05 to the computer) and this is how you do it:


/ui action toolbarPane05;


There it is, now that we are on the right pane now, we can start getting nakey. Take note of the case of the text, it is case sensitive. To get nakey we need to use another command over and over about 24 times once for each tool bar slot. There is an easier way so it is not as hard or long, so if you want to jump ahead to save some typing work. So here is what we need to do to continue on with my macro. This is what we need to do to take off all our armor assuming we have a piece of armor all 24 slots, lol yea right, that’s a lot of armor.


/ui action toobarPane05;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/ui action toolbarSlot04;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;

/ui action toolbarSlot06;

/ui action toolbarSlot07;

/ui action toolbarSlot08;

/ui action toolbarSlot09;

/ui action toolbarSlot10;

/ui action toolbarSlot11;

/ui action toolbarSlot12;

/ui action toolbarSlot13;

/ui action toolbarSlot14;

/ui action toolbarSlot15;

/ui action toolbarSlot16;

/ui action toolbarSlot17;

/ui action toolbarSlot18;

/ui action toolbarSlot19;

/ui action toolbarSlot20;

/ui action toolbarSlot21;

/ui action toolbarSlot22;

/ui action toolbarSlot23;


Ok there they all are. Wow that was tedious. Well it is annoying to get sent to this window and get left here so you have to switch back to the pane I was on every time. So I am going to add the command to send us back to the first (00 to the computer) tool bar pane after we are all naked.



/ui action toobarPane05;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;

/ui action toolbarSlot01;

/ui action toolbarSlot02;

/ui action toolbarSlot03;

/ui action toolbarSlot04;

/ui action toolbarSlot05;

/ui action toolbarSlot06;

/ui action toolbarSlot07;

/ui action toolbarSlot08;

/ui action toolbarSlot09;

/ui action toolbarSlot10;

/ui action toolbarSlot11;

/ui action toolbarSlot12;

/ui action toolbarSlot13;

/ui action toolbarSlot14;

/ui action toolbarSlot15;

/ui action toolbarSlot16;

/ui action toolbarSlot17;

/ui action toolbarSlot18;

/ui action toolbarSlot19;

/ui action toolbarSlot20;

/ui action toolbarSlot21;

/ui action toolbarSlot22;

/ui action toolbarSlot23;

/ui action toolbarPane00;


Now this will work for getting un-dressed and dressed, if there is an item equipped and you press the macro it will un-equip it and vice a versa. So this also works to switch armors or to take off your armor and put on some clothes at the same time, it is kind of embarrassing to sit around in your undies.


2.A Ok now that we have done the big commands for macros, things are going to move a lot faster now. I am going to make a Foraging macro that will loop forever. This will allow us to start it and keep it running so we don't have to press the button every time. Just for those who never realized it, but when you point at the pre-made commands with your mouse "/Forage" will show up. This is the command to type to perform the action. In the case of foraging you type:




Typing this will make you forage once, no big deal. Now to make it loop I am going to go to tool bar pane (5 to us and pane 04 to the computer). Then I am going to place the macro I make in the first slot (Slot 00 to the computer). Ok so here it is:



/ui action toolbarPane04;


/pause 20;

/ui action toolbarSlot00;


Now is what this dose it sends you to tool bar pane 5 and then makes you forage. After that it proceeds to make you wait for 10 seconds, and then it presses its own macro button witch then makes it repeat all over again.


2.C. This will go on forever now unless you do one of 3 things to stop it. The first thing and the least Practical thing to do is log out. But who wants to do that every time they want to stop a macro. Now you have the option to stop every macro running (looping or just one that takes a long time to execute) or just one macro. To stop every macro you have running you can use this command:




Then if you want to stop just one looping or long running macro you can remove it from your tool bar by right clicking and holding till you see the remove command and you click to remove it. Then it will stop, but you have to put it back on your tool bar every time you want to use it again.


3.A. Being the evil person I am and making you type all that out, here is how you can use short cuts or alias's to make your Macros shorter. This is how an alias works, you take a command or a whole set of commands you use a lot and make it into an alias. Then when you type what you named that alias, it will execute the whole set of commands you told it too. I feel like dancing over this easier way to make macros. So I am going to make a small dance routine and turn it into one command. I am going to put this routine on tool bar pane (4 to us and 03 to the computer). Here is my routine:




/ui action toolbarPane03;


/alias Dance

/startdance rhythmic;

/pause 5;


/pause 20;


/pause 20;

/flourish 4;



/alias Dance2

/startdance formal;

/pause 5;


/pause 20;


/pause 20;

/flourish 6;





Now when I type:






I will perform that whole dance routine. You need to load this alias every time you log onto the game though. So make a macro with all your aliases then click it once every time you log on. Then you can get creative and make macros with combos of /dance and /dance2.


4.A. Just to show you how evil I am now after the fact I am going to show you how to load a macro from a .txt file. You can make a macro inside notepad and then save and load it into the game to use. Or you could have just copied and pasted all of my macros into a file then loaded them and used them so you wouldn't have needed to type up all those macros. Ooooo I think I am going to go kill some stuff because I am so evil. I want to target the closest monster to me and have my pet attack it and then I attack it. So here is what your .txt file is going to look like:




/ui action targetSelf;

/ui action cycleTargetOutward;


/tellpet attack;

/groupchat I am attacking %TT assist me on killing it




Now that we have typed this all out into notepad, it is now time to save the file. For most of us the directory is going to be: C:\Program Files\StarWarsGalaxies but if it isn't then you have to find your StarWarsGalaxies folder to place this file into it. I am going to save the file as Kill.txt Now that it is saved, get into the game. To load the file so you can use the macro, all we have to do is type:


/load Kill.txt


Now that file will behave like an alias. So when you type /kill you will target whatever monster is closest to you and start attacking it. Then you will make you pet start attacking it and tell your group what you're fighting and you want them to help you kill it. Just like using an alias you have to load the file every time you play.


5.A. I wanted to just trow this little macro I use all the time and find it very very handy. This macro switchs what weapon I have equiped and switches to a tool bar that has all the commands for that weapon. So if somthing is low on there action pool I can hit my carbine and leg shot them a few times. I use one tool bar pane per gun and keep some commands the same on every tool bar pane. I use tool bar pane (1 to use and 00 to the comp) for my pistol, tool bar pane (2 to us and 01 for the comp) for my carbine and tool bar pane (3 to use and 02 to the comp) for my rifle. I also keep my weapons in slot (15 to us and 14 to the comp). You need to make a macro for each gun, I am going to show you how to make one for the pistol.



/ui action toolbarPane00;

/ui action toolbarSlot14;


now make one for each weapon and put the other 2 weapon macros on each tool bar. The you will beable to switch much faster.


6.A. For my last trick I am going to craft some stim-packs quickly using a macro. Well the down side to this macro is that it isn’t totally press it and goes, you must still double click or drag the resources you want to use to make the item into the schematic. But this macro will do the rest of the crafting process. The macro will also change if you are at a crafting station because the station adds the experimentation step (This has been extremely bugged). Then you must also select how you wish to experiment. I used tool bar pane (5 for us and 04 for the comp) for this and placed my generic crafting tool in tool bar slot (10 to us and 09 to the comp). Here is the fast way to craft some Stim-packs:



/ui action toolbarPane04;

/ui action toolbarSlot09;

/selectDraftSchematic 16;

/pause 10;


/pause 3;


/pause 3;

/createProtoType practice no item;

/pause 3;



Where there is a pause of 10 seconds is where you put in your resources. You can make it longer if you need too. I have also seen this split into 2 macros. One to load the Schematic and then you load the resources into it and then another macro to finish the process. If you want to practice and not produce an item add "practice no item" right after "/creatProtoType" but if you want an item just leave "practice no item" out. (The bugs with this macro has changed from patch to patch and if your at a crafting station or not, most recently I have had a bug where it was crafting but I couldn't see it craft)


7.A. This is every thing I know about macros in the game. Hope every one likes my macros. These macros listed here I have made from parts of macros I found on message boards, other peoples how too on macros, and ones I made up my self. There are too many sources to name them all so I would like to thank every one who has shared any thing they know about macros with others, Because with out you I would not have known how to do any of this. Just a reminder, going away and leaving a macro running (Referred to as "Macroing") is considered exploiting the game. Macros are just I to take out the tedium and acting like a monkey clicking the buttons over and over. If there is anything wrong, or if you have a cool macros to add to this send me a tell In game.


Good luck all on your macro ventures



WanderHome Server







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