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Should I get the Game?

Galan Stance

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Quiet simply - NO.


If you can't handle the problems with Planetside, SWG will make you turn old and grey with stress in a matter of days. Probably the worse game out there for bugs - even worse than the new Tomb Raider game!!


There's people out there who have been very lucky and experience no launching problems. I am yet to have one single day where I can actually launch SWG without it crashing at least 8 times before I get into the game, for it to crash in the same spot every single day for me to relaunch for it to crash another 10-20 times before I can actually play.


It seems no matter what PC specs you have or graphics card you have, the game is very hit and miss. In addition to these problems, there's major in game bugs.


People losing thousands of credits worth of stock, money etc due to errors with Sonys only response being to clear all the 'back logged' tickets for you to wait another 2-3 weeks.


The only reason why people like myself are putting up with these problems, is quiet simply that it is Star Wars. Sony know this and thats why were are all treated like a bunch of suckers.


My boss plays Everquest and the problems on SWG are the same as EQ was 2-3 years ago - proving that SOE have learnt nothing at all.


Give it 10 years and it might be working then



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i /agree


is cancelled my acct cause of the inbalance issues, more then the max 30 fps and lag/bugs/exploits/floating animals.


they do these"hotfixes" and throw everything more out of whack then help.


give its 6-9 months before you buy the game, see if they can even fix the problems they have, at current pace there will be double the problems in thattime.



also SOE has closed the forums to the public because(i believe) of the uk launch. they dont want the general public to know what a mess the games in.

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If you would like to try the game then get it... Just dont ask a post if you should buy this game. Read alot of the old posts and try to decied. Dont let 2 people tell you, NO. If you like Star Wars and want to have a great MMORPG the get this one. Where do you live, in US or over seas? I have never had a crash and I am having a blast.

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