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Need Master Architect? or Master Tailor!


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2 Accounts (Master Architect and Master Tailor) Both on Bloodfin!




Only want 1 of these accounts well bid and buy both and then sell the other and make some profit of your own! 2 ACCOUNT(S) NO JOKE! BOTH MASTERS! LOADED WITH RESOURCES, HOUSES, AND MONEY! GRAB YOUR HANDS ON THIS ACCOUNT NOW BY BIDDING! Here are the details:






Location Tatooine: Outside of Bestine.

Over 800K in the bank (combined with both accounts)

1 Medium Generic House Placed

1 Wearable Factory Placed

1 Structure Factory Placed

1 Medium Generic House Deed(s)

1 Large Tatooine House Deed(s)

1 Heavy Mineral Deed(s)

2 Medium Mineral Deed(s)

Over 150 Factory made structure modules to begin crafting right off the bat

A horde of items and resources all valuable to an architect and tailor

A horde amount of energy

Full Set Great Padded Armor Condition!





Account 1: Master Artisan, Master Architect, Novice Merchant


Account 2: Master Artisan, Master Tailor, Novice Merchant




Info: With Architect you are way over the amount of experience needed to become a Novice Urban Planner if not more than that. 240K+ Architect Experience loaded for Urban Planner the new profession coming out to build Banks, and other city structures.






Both characters are with the guild Virtute et Armis (VEA) which is your decision whether you stay with the guild or not. The guild VEA consists of a good team that works together to bring up a city in which your house is located in Mos Vea. Mos Vea is on the outskirts of Bestine. It is about an 800m run from Bestine. It is a good location for you to build a city be ready for the PA Cities release because you are a good bit from other cities and you have perfect terrain to setup your own city. The guild consists of Master Droid-Engineer, Master Bio-Engineer, Master Doctor, Master Weaponsmith, and a Master Armorsmith. The guild still welcomes these characters who will be controlled by the new user to stay with the guild. The guild has an awesome website http://www.VEACentral.com you may check it out. Currently the website is at its final stages of development but can be reviewed at http://www.VEACentral.com/new/. You also take part in a High Council position of the guild and administration access to the site. You may browse the forums at http://www.VEACentral.com/forums/ also. It is your decision whether you take the position of this guild or not. You may pack your things and move on or stay and join the guild.


CHECK IT OUT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3047021277

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