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Lag on Vendors - stopping you shopping?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I have a store and I find it almost impossible at times to stock my vendors with goods because it can take so long.


Anyone else just given up shopping due to the lag in the game?



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NOPE and i bought a Flame Thrower yesterday and check a few other vendors stuff. Worked like a charm. Maybe your server is full and your connection isn't that strong. You should try another server for a little while and see if it fixes your problems.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Im on eclipse - says it all i guess.


When i play (around 10-11pm my time) is when its VERY bad but i dont see why i should move to another server for a 'service' im paying for.


As for connection, i have 2 MB broadband, the fastest in the UK



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