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Is Galaxies Fun?


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No MMORPG is ever gonna be perfect, no if's and's or but's. I have a degree in game design and all I can say is that when you try to get 1000's of differntly configured computers to link up to one location and communicate flawlessly, you are gonna have a huge mess of bugs. I am very staisfied with the minor nuisances that come with the game. I don't expect it to be perfect because it is almost impossible. How long has EQ been out, is it perfect, no way in hell, it can't be done without trial and error. How do you get that trial and error, you release the game. As gor not having money to invest in the game, thats crazy, SOE has more than enough money to invest in the game. If you think about it, there are 275000+ registered users. Everyone ofthem had to buy the game. The game retails for $50 but SOE probably sells it for, lets say $30 to the retailers, thats a standard 40% market up for the retailers, so SOE made $8,250,000 off of sales of the game alone if they did sell them to retailers for $30, but $40 sounds more realistic. Then on top of that they make $15 per player per month which comes out to $4,125,000(A MONTH!) So for one month and intial game sales they have made a total of $12,375,000. So money is no issue, it comes down to not being able to anticipated the hundreds of millions of different configured systems trying to communicate as one and issues arrising. It's gonna happen and only time will solve the issues. As for me, I LOVE THIS GAME, problems and all, but that is me, I have dealt with the same kinds of issues the developers have so I know what they are dealing with. And as for those reviewers that slam the bugs and problems in the gaming magazines, I would like to know how many have actually done any game design. If they have then they really don't have and sympathy for the hard work and dedication the devs go through. By the way, a standard work week for developers in the gaming industry is around 60-70 hours. So while you work a measily 40 hours =) the devs are still pushing away. So have some respect for their hard work.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I did type a good response last nite but the forum went down.


And i cant be bothered to type it again. It basically was along the line of how bad the game still is despite EQ and planetside and how game magazines are our only defence in a world were games are being released unfinished (mostly major titles) to cash in. ;-)


Had this game been launched on a PS2, Xbox or cube, it wont even get past the first stage in their testing.



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You missed the whole point of his post DMUK. I don't know much about game design. I'm just now taking early Computer Science courses and am eventually wanting to get into Game Design. What he's trying to get across is that they ARE working hard to help you with your problems. The CSR's have been great if you ask me, and EXTREMELY patient. Maybe they don't always have the best response, but 95% of the time people are asking them to solve their problems with minimal detail as to what their problem is. On a game like this...it makes it very hard to solve the problem without specific details. I could go into this big long post explaining in great detail why you need to understand what the devs are trying to do. As well as, why it is taking so long. For some reason though....I don't think it'll matter.

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