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SWG Forums Closed to Nonsubscribers...


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Is this lame or what? I haven't bought galaxies. I got the wonderful opportunity to try the beta test (ok so I'm being sarcastic). I know the game was in horrible shape then and, from reading the official SWG forums, I know that it's the same way now.


Those forums were the only official way for me to keep up with the game and now I can't read them. Those idiots are now cutting off everyone who might've had hope for Galaxies, but hadn't decided to buy it yet.


That's it. I'm gonna just wait for WoW or something. Galaxies, and it's community relationsl are turning into a pile of crap.


I was tempted to get the game as soon as vehicles were put in, but now they've just turned another customer away.

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The game's awesome...go buy it...stop whining


nuff said.



Exactly, Gershin! People who like to comment on the game and its content and then say...but I don't own the game. That is why the closed the Sony forums to subscribers only. The devs and the community want comments and constructive ideas from people who play the game, not a bunch of trolls.


Go buy it or be silent! Trust me, if you are on the fence, go pick it up. The game is alot of fun!

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What? I only READ the official forums. I couldn't post on them because I wasn't a subscriber to the game. They would only allow subscribers to post.


I was okay with that, really. What that did for me was allow me to see the game from the player's perspective. I'm not willing to commit to paying the money for the game after playing the Beta and seeing all the negativity on those boards. I was keeping up with them to check up on the game's progress.


I have hope for Galaxies. I really do. But I'm not going to buy it if everyone says they're having problems with it. Now there's no way to know anything unless through some unofficial forums like this (and non-subscribers CAN post here). So anything goes.


I'm not bad-mouthing the game. I'm just mad that I can't read what the players are posting.


So, Terrick. You were a little misinformed. I want to read about galaxies. And now I can't. Excuse me for being angry.

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But I'm not going to buy it if everyone says they're having problems with it.


1 The people at the official SWG site are a bunch of whiners...

2 Everyone is not having problems with the game...


I enjoy this game and it is no where as bad as some of these people say with bugs... Matter of fact I think the game is AWESOME and I haven't had any problem since the first few weeks of release.


I don't understand how so many people can come on these forums and post so many issues with this game and not even own it. This is not a attack on you COERAY it's on all the people who have such strong opinions on the game and want to play the game but have not gone out and bought it. I never understand that what are you out? $50.00 that is not a life breaking decision.

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"I never understand that what are you out?"




Anyways, yeah I can understand how mostly negativity would appear on the official boards. When the game is going good for someone, they are less likely to even touch the message boards.


Even if it's only 20% of the people, that's still a LOT of opinions from players. Also, I base my decisions on the facts players provided and not the general bitching about the game being "too hard" or "too easy" and such.


Maybe I've been hesitant because I've played a few other MMO games that got stail really fast on me. If I had never played a MMORPG before, I wouldn't have thought twice about buying galaxies as soon as it hit the shelves. But from what I can tell, it's not too much different from the other games. IMO, some aspects of the game (as in, play mechanics and the advancement system) aren't as good as other games.


I'll probably still get it though. I'm sure it'll get to me eventually. I'm just not DYING to play it at the moment. I know the longer I wait, the better the game will be.


Oh, and $50 should never be wasted. Neither should $15 a month. If you're the type to blow $50 on a PC game just because you want to try it out, then do so. I'm careful with my money.

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Being a former EverQuest player I can see where CoeRay is coming from. After a 2 year stint of EQ, I got very bored to the point logging in wasn't fun anymore. It became new content having the same old hoop jumping.


The difference with SWG is that you aren't stuck as one particular class. If you go for smuggler and then decide you wanna try some weaponsmithing you can. It's much more open ended IMHO about how YOU want to develop your character than most other MMORPGs.


Rado is right though the people on the offical SOE boards are very negative. I prefer to see if the server has thier own board and read/post there.


Yes the game has some issues still and bugs, they all do when they first come out.


I have never had a problem with the game crashing or kicking me to desktop. And I am running a very low-end PC for this game. /shrug

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thanks, I am thinking about trying EQ in the future because there are a lot of friends I know still playing it and trying to get me to sign up everyday.

Maybe some day or I'll wait till EQ2 comes out. As for now SWG has me hooked.

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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Terrick


Rado is right though the people on the offical SOE boards are very negative. I prefer to see if the server has thier own board and read/post there.


Yes the game has some issues still and bugs, they all do when they first come out.


I have never had a problem with the game crashing or kicking me to desktop. And I am running a very low-end PC for this game. /shrug


People have every right to complain as they are paying for an unfinished product. If some of the issues raised haven't effected you, thats great.


For many, theres various problems and given Sonys experience with Everquest, people would think Sony would learn from errors and bugs in that game.


As for the crashing. It doesn't seem to matter what spec PC you have...top end or bottom end. Its totally random with various cures and fixes but for some, its a frustrating experience.


Computer gaming should be fun, not a chore and after I have sat through my 40th attempt to launch, it becomes a chore.



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You have never finished up on that post where me and another was trying to help you though the issues with your PC/GAME???


Did you ever go to http://www.amdmb.com the forum section?


Have you tryed loading this game on another PC and see if you still get simular problems or if they go away?


I'm just trying to help you out with some new ideas, so you can not have to suffer everytime you try to play...

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:atat: I have been playing EQ since it's humble start... and I must say I moved to it from Ultima Online. As much as this is a SWG board, please don't knock something that you are not cyurrently playing... EQ has added incredible new gameplay options (ala Diablo-Like enhancements) that offer a lot more options to even casual gamers that don't wantr to spend there WHOLE weekend gathering a group and walking around an already "camped" area! With the latest Lost Dungeons of Norrath series players as low as level 20 are able to group wwith a minimum of 3 of their friends and explore new areas that have a "timed" feature and a set goal! This differs from much of the previous playability and opens many new doors! The graphics are fantastic... as for EQ 2 many will take the SONY power pass option that allows ALL the Online games for a low fee of 20.00 a month (but here is the kicker) not including SWG! It was made by the same company "Verant" and is still in it's infancy.... I bought SWG and had a few minor glitches.. I have since went back to EQ and will look at SWG when there are more options and more players... But until then I will remain in a world that has stood the test of time and has come through with the promised product... When you can build a "lightsabre" and harness the force or fly your own craft in battle.. you will see me there! ;) But please don't knock or name call the game that made your SWG even possible...

We can play in both worlds...

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Sounds like you work for SOE or EQ... Thats all i can say on this matter. LOL

I think you should read what Terrick said again...


Being a former EverQuest player I can see where CoeRay is coming from. After a 2 year stint of EQ, I got very bored to the point logging in wasn't fun anymore. It became new content having the same old hoop jumping.
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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by Rado



You have never finished up on that post where me and another was trying to help you though the issues with your PC/GAME???


Did you ever go to http://www.amdmb.com the forum section?


Have you tryed loading this game on another PC and see if you still get simular problems or if they go away?


I'm just trying to help you out with some new ideas, so you can not have to suffer everytime you try to play...


Like I said in my other posts. its been tried on various PCs with various specs. All with some same and different problems. When you make an unfinished product...this will happen.


I have downloaded every driver update, re-installed, etc etc and its about time Sony owned up and did something about it.


Oh. How have I tried it on various PC's? I actually work for a games publisher in England.



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Guest DarthMaulUK
Originally posted by StarBozz

I have since went back to EQ and will look at SWG when there are more options and more players..


You mean 300,000 isnt enough?! ;-)



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Having re-read the post it states in IMO as he states it was his opinion. There are many ways to alter your class and having played both it comes down to which you prefer... Fantasy or Sci-Fi even the makers of SWG have stated that there is a lot of work to be done. As for EQ they have stated they are still working with EQ and have no plans of slowing down (EQ 2 takes place in the same world only in the future) The graphics and community have grown and there are numerous guilds to meet new people and have exciting adventures with. I am not slamming SWG as i do own both.. It is just at this point I cannot see throwing away almost 4 years worth of work and irtems because I enjoy the realm of Star Wars. Also, the characters for EQ are created just for that world... you are playing in a world in which you know the final outcome (Empire loses, Rebels Win) with the chance to glimpse an occasional celebrity (Darth Vader, Jabba or Luke)

the stars of Norraths are the mystical planes and homes of the various Gods themselves... it is unlikely a group will be allowed or have the ability to slay Jabba the Hutt in his Lair! So play either.. they are just games in which we can escape the real world and do things we have only read in books or have seen in films... Verant/Sony have done a fine job with both (one is just more refined for the time being) If you are unsure of EQ I recommend trying the Evolutions CD and seeing what Norrath has to offer (if you do not like it then consider it the cost of a bad meal at a nice diner!)

You can always play both! :-) Same company, different games..

But have FUN just the same! :ewok:

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Sounds like to me you couldn't afford the 15.00 per month to play SWG and only can barley afford the 12.00 for EQ...LOL just kidding.

But all joking aside you said you didnt want to throw away 4 years of building your charactors... But seriously, you DID. When EQ2 comes out you will have to change when all other go over to that and you will wan to also. By then you could have already been a JEDI MASTER on SWG...

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Not so my young Jedi Master...

In the four years I have built powerful characters that can only be "enhanced" when EQ comes out .. Sony said they will have quests in the NEW EQ that will allow thw Characters in the FIRST EQ to gain new items... kind of like playing in two worlds that are still somehow joined! (Also a great way for Sony to make money, they even sell the Role-Playing game in Book form (like D&D) and offer clues for players of Online EQ 1 to gain tips as to how to find new items that would only be found if you bought the Role-Playing game (so in the end it is just a business to make large amounts of money for the shareholders) But if we can have fun while others profit then more power to them... I just wish SWG were to be included in the Sony PowerPlay option currently it is (EQ,EQ II, Planetside, Taurus, and a few others)

As I said, I like both games and if they follow up with what was promised with spacecraft and the ability to truly master the force they will have a winner.. The only negative is Sony will have to see how they fare when in competition with themselves.... Sometimes the loser is the end-user! :-(

I wish you the best in SWG and hope to see you try out EQ as well (the first, not 2 so you can gain some neat items and play with people you know in RL!

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I guess I could make a constructive post instead of a brief statement.


This game has had its bugs and still has many to be dealt with. However, the entire time I'm online, I can recall maybe 2 times someone whined in game. One was my cousin who was having troubles with the cities lagging his computer to a halt as they loaded. However, that was a computer problem where his comp need to be tweaked a little. 70% of these complaints on the game and how it runs, are problems with people's computers. They just blame it on the game because they don't know how else to go about it. The only other time I can remember a complaint was the 120+ Imperial(Pets not included in that number) raid we had. There were major lag complaints from about....2 people. They were rebels, so I assume they were complaining to have an excuse for themselves when they got owned. For even I, with a low end computer, did not experience very much lag at all during that raid. This game is an awesome game. You will never regret buying it. As for whoever said that this game doesn't have as good of a leveling system as other MMORPG's. Hah, I've played Shadowbane, Ultima Online, and EQ. This is the most ingenuis leveling system to date. I think it's the best I've seen yet. So, I don't know WHERE that comment came from. I've played EQ for 3 years. I love the game, but it has come second to SWG undisputedly. I dont' even really play EQ anymore except for ever so often to touch base with online friends. That will end shortly though, they're converting to SWG :)

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Gershin is wise. /bow




FYI, I stil pay for my EQ subscription and pop on now and again to say hi to my guildies and friends. I stopped playing after getting severly burned out raiding PoP and VT about 2 months ago. I have a level 65 Shadowknight with over 100 AAs and a 61 Druid with about 20 AAs. I played EQ alot and played at a raiding level far above the common players.


So don't tell me not to knock a game I don't play, cause I still do, except alot less cause SWG has fun-factor for me at this time and I can play SWG with the greatly reduced free time I have with my new job, in EQ if you take a few months hiatus in a high end guild you get left behind rather quickly.


Example of EQ:

Clear Temple of Veeshan and killed all the bosses, get loot.

Clear North Temple of Veeshan and killed all the bosses (including a Prexus server first, Vulak), get loot.

Clear SSRA killed all the bosses, get loot.

Clear Vex Thal kill all the bosses, get loot.


New places same old hoop, JUMP!

PS - All the stuff in the example of EQ are 'zones' or special areas of the game. But I do miss it sometimes.


Starbozz did hit the button on the mark though, it's all about having fun!

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You are right... they are both about having fun!

Rado played Diablo: Lords of Destruction until he grew so bored of it he decided to try something new! I agree we can all get tired of the same type of play! I was not lucky enough to reach as high a level as you in EQ, but as I said they are trying new things with the latest LDoN expansion (you might want to log on and see whjat I mean...)

I think both are fine games and I have to admit I like both (I haven't given SWG the amopunt of time I should have, because I had some problems with it and I have a large group of RL friends that play EQ! It all comes down to having fun and playing whichever you like!

So either way have fun and may either the "FORCE" be with you or the "Gods" of Norrath smile upon you!

Thus ends the Flame Wars! ;-)



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Heh, didn't mean to start an argument here. ;-)


With all that's been said, I'd like to point out that I think SWG is very impressive in many ways compared to other MMORPGs (going on my beta experience here). It IS the best one out right now, no questsions asked.


However, it gets to the point where it's the same ol' drab online play. And, usually, the players are what make these games suck. When most everyone you interact with (that matters) is a player character, this can either make the game super-enjoyable, or a complete drag.


It's really up to the players to make a MMO game good. And, in my opinion, it SHOULDN'T be. This is one reason I hate the idea of a player-run economy. Sure, it makes crafting way more useful and such. But real people are the ones that screw these things up. :-(


Keep in mind I HAVEN'T played the game currently and I KNOW someone will point that out if they're angry at me. So I want to get that out of the way.


I'm just saying that most of these online games are based on the same formula. And when it's all said and done and your character is so maxed out that you could kick king kong's ass, have you really put a dent in this "persistant world?" Is leaving going to really make a difference to other players? Usually not. Sure, you make friends, join guildes. But all in all you haven't done one thing to change the world. The same enemies spawn. The same NPCs stand around.


I dunno. I guess I just want a more dynamic game. Something that has a little more purpose and meaning to it. Diablo II got the same way for me. I played through and beat it online with some friends like twice. And man it got old running around and hacking enemies all day just so your character can be stronger...so you can do more hacking. It was the same repeditive grinding process and I was tired of it.


SWG, like EQ, is one huge grind to the top. Yeah, as was mentioned, you can cross-disipline yourself and have master a couple different professions. But all in all the emphasis is on the grinding rather than role-playing and player interaction.


Also, the thing with the Jedi. It irks me that they picked the ONE time in the Star Wars timeline where there happen to be almost no Jedi around. Why, oh why?!? Jedi are what make SW great! No knowing how to become one and not expecting to ever be one is a hard knock to all SW fans. Not that all I wanted to do was be a Jedi, but it should be an experience anyone can try.


Eh, I don't want to get into SWG issues. Anyways, I'm kinda waiting around to see how WoW shapes up. Blizzard has a great track record and I'm hoping they'll add the flavor and gameplay I'm truly wanting in an online game. SWG seems way too watered down, and overly complex in areas that it doesn't need to be.


SO! What does all this mean? I don't think SWG sucks, I just think it needs about a year to evolve (which is what I'm giving it, ok so maybe not a whole year). WoW looks neato and is made by a nearly flawless company. So, I'm waiting to check out the competition.


Thanks for reading if you made it this far. ;-)

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