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Death tracker as well as kill tracker?


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I've been thinking for a long time, "You know, the people with the highest scores on most servers are often the people that die the most, too."


Does anyone else notice this? Maybe this isn't the case all the time, but I've seen it more than enough times to wonder why Jedi Outcast doesn't track an individual's deaths as well as their kills.


I mean, I've seen this strategy a lot. Big group of players all hacking at each other randomly, suddenly some guy jumps right into the middle with a slow, powerful swing. He's pretty much garaunteed at least one kill, but he's also pretty much dead within a couple moments. He does that enough, he's got like 20 kills, and since he was killed by a different person almost every time, no one else has quite as high a kill count.


People just don't try to keep themselves alive in this game. I mean, why should they? There's no penalty for dying, and it's a lot easier to rack up the kills when you don't fear getting cleaved yourself. Of course, that means it takes less skill as well.


I don't complain when I see it happen. I mean, that is how the game is. There's no penalty for dying, so why should people worry? I just think it would be more fun, and add more strategy to the game if there were.


Anyone agree?

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I agree with a lot of what you are saying but it depends on the game type too.


I play CTF a lot and in that game the only player who needs to stay alive is the flag carrier. Everyone else should be ready to lay down their life to attack or defend the flag carrier.


Having said that I do like to try and stay alive. I find their is nothing so annoying as coming back time after time to find the same player waiting for me and I like to think other feel the same so I like to remain alive and "in their face".


There are some strategic reasons for getting killed though. I have seen people in CTF games kill themselves (either be falling or by running into a fight with saber-off) so they can re-emerge, near the base, with full health/force and a little sheild. Imagine if I am chasing you towards my base where you are going to steal my flag/kill my flag carrier. My health and/or force is low and I cannot catch you up. However if I get killed I can be back at my base almost instantly with lots of health/force and potentially kick your butt.


As I say, it depends on the game and if its team based then I guess the team score takes precedence, isn't that how it should be?

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Originally posted by Bladedog


There are some strategic reasons for getting killed though. I have seen people in CTF games kill themselves (either be falling or by running into a fight with saber-off) so they can re-emerge, near the base, with full health/force and a little sheild. Imagine if I am chasing you towards my base where you are going to steal my flag/kill my flag carrier. My health and/or force is low and I cannot catch you up. However if I get killed I can be back at my base almost instantly with lots of health/force and potentially kick your butt.


As I say, it depends on the game and if its team based then I guess the team score takes precedence, isn't that how it should be?

bind # /kill (instant kill) lamers use it in team ffa. but in CTF its a way of life
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What's 'lame' (rofl) about /kill in TDM? It's used for almost the exact same reasons as in CTF. It deprives you of your precious kill? Yes, but it also subtracts a point from the player who uses it, so your team still gains a point through the opponent losing one. I, and many others, don't like waiting whilst we are falling into a void section, so we /kill in TDM to get back in the game. Plus tbh, I hate people getting kills from pushing me into voids, so I actually /kill out of spite in a way lol.

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Originally posted by vert1go

What's 'lame' (rofl) about /kill in TDM? It's used for almost the exact same reasons as in CTF. It deprives you of your precious kill? Yes, but it also subtracts a point from the player who uses it, so your team still gains a point through the opponent losing one. I, and many others, don't like waiting whilst we are falling into a void section, so we /kill in TDM to get back in the game. Plus tbh, I hate people getting kills from pushing me into voids, so I actually /kill out of spite in a way lol.


ok if you need me to point it out... you never been in a game where some one will swap teams and death spam and put you

-50 points!!!

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I hate when ppl spam the \kill command. I played against a guy a couple weeks ago, killed him about 8 times and never once got a point for it. IMO it's plain and simple point theft. It's just another way for a person to be a sore loser/poor sport crybaby.


I agree that I think there should be a kill/death ratio in the game.

I always wondered why they did not include that. I have a feeling that a lot of ppl who are always on the top of the list would'nt be if the game took # of deaths into account also.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

bind # /kill (instant kill) lamers use it in team ffa. but in CTF its a way of life


Ooh thats nasty, I don't think I'll use it though. I've been standing around the base defending my flag carrier with no armour and only 1 health before and lasted (almost entirely on luck I might add) for a couple of minutes.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

ok if you need me to point it out... you never been in a game where some one will swap teams and death spam and put you

-50 points!!!

You didn't really make it clear you meant that, especially since you drew a comparison to the use of /kill in CTF, in which case, yeah I see what you mean. Oh and no, never been in a game with that happening, that's the advantage of not joining random newbie servers and instead finding people on irc that I know are decent, and asking them to play. I'm sure you get plenty of the people you describe, got to wonder what enjoyment they get out of repeatedly self-killing. :S
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That's a very good point, Bladedog. I don't play much CTF, so I don't know how most people view that kind of tactic, but I'm speaking mainly from FFA and Team FFA perspective. Of course, in a CTF game, you're based on getting the flag, not how many kills you rack up, so even if there was a death tracker it wouldn't matter if you kept getting the flag, right?


I just hate hopping on a server, seeign this guy with a huge score, bragging about how great he is, but whenever you meet him one on one, he's toast. Every single time. Yet he has the high score, claiming that proves he's got 1337 ski11z and that he Pwnz3 j00.


You all know what I mean.

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