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Question for those who have completed SP


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I am going to wrap in spoiler brackets even though others have posted similarly without them.




At the ending, I understand you can finish the game as either a Dark Jedi or Light Jedi. I assume you finish one way or the other based on what skills you decide to learn. What if you are balanced with both Light and Dark skills? For instance, I like grabbing Grip and Lightning from Dark, and Heal and Absorb from light. Anyone have this kind of mix that has finished it?



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The balance of force skills you choose affect little of the game, besides how Kyle talks about your training. If you choose a balanced mix, he'll comment on you keeping your balance, et al.


As for finishing as a Light or Dark Jedi, nearing the end of the game you make a decision, either fall to the dark side or stay with the light side. (Meaning most of the game is spent as a light side Jedi).


It's a nice bonus, but IMO doesn't add too much replay value. Being able to go through with different saber styles and different force mixes however, does.



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