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I log on and I lost exp?!


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This has happened TWICE, I log on the other day and BAM my combat exp is hammered from 6300 to 1300...what the hell? Then yesterday my rifle EXP is hammered from 90789 to 1300....WHAT THE HELL? Thankfully it doesnt take away anything else, I still shoot just as good, it might be a blesing, im back up to 6300 combat EXP and im atleast 1.5 better than I was when I was at 6300 the first time. i do more damage oddly enough. But still, what the hell?

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They were supposed to have fixed that problem a few patches ago. Send them a CS ticket and they probably wont give you the xp back but they'll get to work on the problem. Actually it might be better if you just filled out a /bug report.



Tho'sun Cree


Chilastra Galaxie

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I was all set to go to smuggler as a profession. Got everything done except Master Unarmed. Spent 8 hours hunting on Yavin and got the point and had a TK master teach me Master Unarmed IV.




So I head over to Mos Eisley to train smuggler. I take the transport head to the trainer and hit train...he said I still need Marskman Pistol IV (I had master marksman) and Master Unamred IV. I check and its gone and the exp points everything gone! Even had a screenshot saying I qualified and used the spin attack move a few times before I headed to Mos Eisley to train up.


Submitted a ticket, waited a week and got now responce. So I finished scout and went Bounty Hunter.


Not sure of the point but just saying I feel your pain!


I played Everquest for over 2 years and I thought the CS wasn't so hot there but at least they had GMs (Game Master) that would eventually come to you IN GAME or OVER TELLS. If they couldn't respond at that time you could email them and they always responded ina timely fashion.


In short, SWG NEED GMS! They are the best, I have nothing but good things to say about them. I lost a few epic items in EQ and the GM handling my case actually checked the server logs and noted I looted the items and returned them! I was floored by this.

SWG and GMs = good idea!


Wel that was and intersting lil rant, heh heh. I am heading to the fridge for more beer and whiskey. :fett:

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