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Shall I or shouldn't I?


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Well ok, I played Anarchy online, thought I didn't like it, (played for 25 minutes one night) the next mornig got back on it and ended up playing it for 17 hours straight, loved the game - jus got way too adicted to it and screwed up a part of my life, now I fixed that I am wondering whether to get this game or not..


if I do I will be getting it tomorrow so I want some info from you now.


Is it liek anarchy online?


Thats all I need to know? guys and gals that have played it should knwo what I mean, anarchy online is a whole world out there, I even met real friends on it that I met up with, so realistic, fantastic, should I get swg or should I go get AO again?


Your calls guys/gals ;)



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