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Shambala Sanctuary problem

Guest Hodis

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Guest Hodis

I have a "big" problem. It seems to be a bug, I don't know for sure.

In Shambala Sanctuary level, how I'm supposed to open the door near the elevator?

Where is is the Great Monastic Seal (which I understand that it may be the key? If it's a cross like object over a postament in some kind of monastic bedroom, WHY CAN'T I TAKE IT???? If is not, WHERE IS IT? If that object in a niche is the Great Monastic Seal and my game is just making a bad joke, CAN YOU PLEASE send me a save game with this object in my (eer, Indy's inventory?.

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bobmitch

I am having the same problem. How does one get the Monastic Seal? I have gone back to the bedroom where it stands. I have tried taking it with the control key (keyboard). I have tried whipping it. I have tried shooting it. Nothing lets me take it! I have been stuck here for over a week. Any suggestions.



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Guest bobmitch

I have actually found the problem Seems that if you update your game to 1.1 or 1.2 your saved games become corrupt. I actually kept the saved game and uninstalled IJ. Then, I reinstalled the game with NO patches and I was able to complete the level. Not really sure I intend to install the patches unless I am in dire need to do so. Copy your saved game to a temp directory. Then uninstall Indy and reinstall with no patches. Then, copy the saved game back to the saved game directory. It will work.



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