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creating a Selectable Bot


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So I have made a bunch of Cool Model skins and have them in the form of a .pk3 file, but how do I turn them into selectable bots to play against. I tried messing with the bot.txt file but to no avail.


Oh and I was looking for a way to go from saber staff to single saber without going to options, just all cool like in game if possible.



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First, make a folder named "scripts". Make a text file in there (preferably in NotePad). Give it the same name as the .jkb file in "botfiles". Now follow this format (with the classic Mace Windu model as an example) EXACTLY:



name "MaceWindu"

model samuel_l

color1 5

color2 0

saber1 "single_3"

saber2 "none"

personality /botfiles/mace_windu.jkb



The "name" will appear in the botlist in-game.


The "model" of course refers to the actual model folder name under models/players.


"color1" and "color2" are the saber colors. I THINK it goes like this: 0=red, 3=green, 4=blue, and 5=purple. Of 1 and 2, I don't know which is yellow or orange.


"saber1" and "saber2" are the hilt models. Count down from the top of the list in-game. Double-blades are "dual_1", etc.


The last is the botfile name.


That should cover it! Good luck.

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This is my current code its in a folder called bots.txt in the scripts folder I created




name "Dark Jedi"

model dark_jedi

color1 0

color2 0

saber1 "dual_3"

saber2 "none"

personality /botfiles/Reborn.jkb



It still doesnt work though...

Does the bots file need to be named somthing else? I tried naming it .jkb but that didnt help.

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Okay, don't make another folder inside the "scripts" folder. Just put the text file right in there. And in this case, name the file "Dark_Jedi", not "bots". That should resolve it. The only other problem I could imagine would be that you misspelled the "model" name. No matter what the BOT will be named, the name after word "model" should be the name of the FOLDER in the .PK3 that is inside the folder named "players" (you will find the "players" folder inside the folder named "models"). I hope that gets it working for you.

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Clearly the Gods are not smiling on me this day. Or I am an Idiot,

which It is probably the later but..

It still wont work

Heres what I have


Folder Named scripts in the base folder

Dark_Jedi.txt in the scripts folder

it reads




name "Dark Jedi"

model dark_jedi

color1 0

color2 0

saber1 "dual_3"

saber2 "none"

personality /botfiles/Reborn.jkb



dark_jedi is the folder name containing my skin, inside the models folder

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