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Jedi (Good Guy) Clans


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Hi all,


Im a first time poster here so go easy on me *smiles*


Anyway, I have been a long time fan of Star Wars and a great fan of the Jedi Knight Series of Games. While, the concept of Jedi Academy grasped hold of me, beleiving that it would be better then JK2 I was quite disapointed when I got it.


Within 12 hours the game was completed and I had spend £35 on a game that lasted me half a day. Not happy at all.


Anyway, It is an improvment from the old JK2 System and the chance to customise your character in a Multiplayer Game is brilliant.


Firstly, I am a Role Player and while JK:Academy is an FPS, It is Star Wars which has a strong RP Community anyway, be it an FPS game or not.


So, im probably asking the impossible, but if it doesnt exsist then I will probably go about one myself.


I am looking for a Multiplayer JK:Academy Clan who try and make an effort with their characters and hopfully with Clan Maps with their own Scenarios.


I was part of a Clan in JK:2 but they disbanded unfortunatly, the Clan Leader created Maps with missions for us all to play as a Clan, so every two weeks we would have a Mission similar to an in game mission, but most of the time we would arange skirmishes with other Clans.


So where does the RP Factor come into this? Welll, while its not a major issue but I cant stand names like ==>I Ownz J00<== and Obi Wan. I like Origional players who come up with a decent Star Wars Related Name that goes with the story line, a Customised Character. proper team work and not barbarianised Slash and HAck and who cares what you hit tactics, good guys who dont weild red light sabers.


Those are just basic criteria. I would also like to see a Clan with perhaps a similer ranking structure to how it is in game. Padawan members might only be allowed Single Light Sabers and each member can be given a Knight within the guild. Knights can use the other sabers, if they wish such as the Duel Weild and Double Bladed.


As I said, im probably asking for the impossible, but if anyone out there feels the same way then I am more then happy to start off a Clan with a system as I mentioned above.




Telsia, Jedi Knight.



P.S. I played JK:Academy Campaign and didnt kill Rosh when I got to chose whether to do so or not. What happens if I do kill him? Do I serve Tavion or do I just get a bolocking off Kyle?


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I would like to see a clan like this. :)



About killing Rosh.


I've completed the game in both Light and Dark side, Jedi master. Killing Rosh isn't as good as it turned out to be, because you still have to kill Tavion and Alora, before fighting Kyle at the end.


I still dont know how to put spoiler tags in, :/ .



is the tag - Jed

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