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Duel music in JKA


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I've made a PK3 file with my own duelling music, used same folder layout as in PK 0 but the music will not play only the original will. I checked and found my PK file was being loaded first even though i've made sure it is the last file in the list. Strange thing is the sounds i've imported from JKO (saber clashes ect) work prefectly fine, just music problems. MP3's have been made @ sample rate 44100, bit rate 128kbps, duel stereo and normal conversion quality. Does anyone have any other ideas. these MP3 files play fine through any media player (MS media player win amp 3 ect)

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Thanks i'll give it a try. It may actually be working now as last night i created a temp 2 person server for me and a mate to practice some duelling and i'm sure i heard one of the music tracks i've put in. (either that or i'm going nuts and really am on the darkside when i fight hehe)

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Thanks for the help Dart Zaidyer, the files play fine following your console command, it may just be they dont' get picked up on the play list.

Does anyone know how to make a specific music file play on certain maps (without the console command) or would that sort of thing need to be coded into the map when creating it?

Cheers for any more help offered

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