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Video connection lost, locked up!


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My box at work does this (I know I should not be playing at work but I get bored sometimes).

P4 1.4

384MB Memory

Intel MB

ATI Raedon 9600 128MB


All drivers are updated, and directX 9a

I also went through DMUK's list and everything was fine except AGP Texture Acc is greyed out.


Another Note: I had this same Video card with the same drivers in my puter @ home and it worked just fine.


I have an IBM P202 monitor and it does wierd things. Like sometime's it will keep refreshing for like 10 min before it gets a clear picture. The monitor does this on any computer, but setting the refresh rate up sometimes helps. Im at 85hz now. The monitor is a 21". I just cant imagine the monitor would lock up my puter playing SWG?


What happens is the monitor will go black, and the signal is lost.

I cant do CTRL+ALT+DEL, ESC, ALT+TAB, I have to hit the power button to reboot and get my monitor signal back.




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