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New to SWG


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Myself and a friend are going to be starting SWG soon...i have ordered the copies blah blah blah....


Newayz, i was wondering what would be some good classes to work well with each other, as for a while its just gonna be me and him roaming, getting used to the game.


I am not asking for do this, do that.....i just would like to know 2 classes that work well together, and from there, we would like to figure out whats going on, for ourselves...


Thankyou in advance :)

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Well if you are going exploreing, my advice is for one of you to become a scout. That way you have the abilty to make camp's. the other one, I think I would go marksmen. But if it is going to be just you two out exploreing, someone should learn some healing skill's as well. I explore all the time, and not being able to heal my self does slow me down quite a bit.

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