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The graphics are a little outdated, the music is great, and I like playing it. There is one GIGANTIC problem though...I don't feel like indy.


I don't remember Indy walking around and solving a bunch of puzzles. He was more the kind of guy that had to run away from boulders, while dodging gunfire, and avoiding falling off high roofs at the same time. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it is far too slow paced for an indy game. Also, Whenever the voice actor says anything, it only makes me feel less and less like Indy, and he doesn't seem to keep his mouth shut.


Anyhoo, I think I give the game about a 7.





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Hey if you buy the rereleases and watch them again, you would think that the voice isn't so bad.


Me too at first I hated the voice until I bough the videos.

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Guest bradbsd

I was quite enjoying the game, untill I got to Shambala, and a bug causes the game to be unplayable. The annoying thing, apart from that, is the way parts of Indy dissapears into the back grounds, and his feet become invisable when walking down a slop. Thats poor programing.



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Guest abbyone

I have to give this a 7. I also think LucasArts could have done a lot better on the graphics. I also had to restart in Babylon when the block that was on the elevator on the last scene would not move. When I got there the second time it moved. That is a lot of time wasted. Tombraiders does has it's problems also, but not getting stuck where you can not complete a level out. We should expect only the best from LucasArts, not second best. Glenn in Georgia

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I'm with Abbyone except replaying Babylon hasn't helped me with the elevator block (I'm about ready to just see if anyone would be kind enough to send me a save file. This is really getting old. I've been trying to get that block off the elevator for 4 days now!) problem so I have to give it a 5. Its a fun game but all the bugs and having to replay parts just to fix them is just too annoying. I dislike how Indy vanishes when you back him up too far and the movement isn't all that great. They could have done better.

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Guest shadowbuilder99

this game is awsome im on level 14 and the graphics are great before i got the full v game i beat the demo so many times i was very very excited to get the game the puzzles are mind boggling realy hard it makes you think but man does that guy have a big pocket. i love it i give it a ten

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Guest TekkaMaki

Great puzzles, very cool and varied levels and after i upgraded graphics cards a few days ago the graphics are excellent.


I can only give it a 7 because Indy moves like a stick figure sometimes (espcially going backwards) but mostly because of the FRUIT-LOOP last level, Half-Life did the same thing, it's like they've got a really cool game but they didn't know how to write the ending so they decided to make it as ****ed up and graphics heavy as possible.

Right on, Lucas Arts, another great game spoiled.


(once I get over the desire to quit and actually finish the game i'll probably like it more)

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Guest Mad Calvert

I am very impressed with the game so far. I'm presently at level 14.


Yes the graphics are very lacklustre compared to Tomb Raider4 & Half Life, but the more than makes up for this in gameplay. 3D engines have never been lucasarts strong point. Jedi night was not the best graphicly but was greatly improved in the expansion pack. May be similar add-on may improve things for Indy.


I am becoming increasingly frustrated by the amount of bugs in recent games. Indy, next to Hidden and dangerous has to be the second most problematic game of the year. Don't companies bother with comprehensive beta testing anymore.


It also highlights the need for a well specified system. A lot of problems occur these days due to consumers trying to run a new release on a PC that hasn't got the performance required.


But on the whole, this still is a good and exceptionally playable game. I give it a 7.5 out of 10.



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Our vote is 11, because riddles are really difficult but it's great to solve them. Graphic and animation are excellent. ciao by ricky and fabio

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd give it a 8..

I love Lara, and i think T4 has MUCH better graphics. There are also less bugs and less irritating things like how indy can sometimes get stuck and look like he's swimming in mid-air. But this is a great game. Next time they should fix the graphics, and GET RID OF THOSE IRRITATING BUGS!

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I would give Indy a TEN!!!!!

I haven't had any problems with the jumping or the game freeze.

The only problems is the puzles and that is what the game is about.



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Guest felicitas

Okay, it gets a 7. Tomb Raider (well, okay, not 3, but 1, 2, & 4)rules! Indy is just too clumsy; he moves like he's on some serious meds & he's hard to manipulate compared to Lara. Plus I keep hitting annoying bugs too.

But - wouldn't it be great if someone came up with a combo game? Lara meets Indy... wink.gif

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Guest montrealtigger

I give this 6 of 10.. because a lot of jumps are not right. It seems that Indiana Jones was already over 5000 dead jumps!!! It s not joking! Grim Fandango is excellent for me because of good puzzle and is hurt once!!! Graphic card is good like Grim! My Card 3D is API!! Maybe, it is not right with this software?? Grim is perfect with API!! It disturbs me when Indiana Jones is invisible.

So that, I score SIX of TEN!!!!


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Guest kevinjp

I'd have to gice INDY a 9. The game is very fun. The graphics are incredible. The puzzles are interesting. It's just all the stupid glitches that make me mad!! I'm only on level four and I've had so many problems with glitches. I can't even beat the ice monster because it shuts down to the desktop! Oh well, long live Indy anway.




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Guest Tanalus

I'm a little behind in playing the action/adventure style games but having just finished TR1 gold then stepping into Indy's shoes with Infernal Machine, I'm impressed. I like the way they spiced it up with the cut scenes that keep you up to speed with the story line, the graphics with my TNT card are great, and TR1 prepared me for what a action/adventure game can deliver. I give it a 8 since I'm only on level 3 so far.

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Guest rasmussenjim

I like the game just fine, however, when re-playing a level (for what ever reason) I would like to be able to skip over the cut scenes. In tomb raider, you can hit the escape key and move on. The game is FUN to play and I hope that Lucas Arts will do more like it.

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I'd have to give it an 8 but I only got the game 4 days ago so I'm not too far yet. I really wanted to give it a 10 so far, but I was a bit surprised at all of the bugs that lucasarts let go. I must've been playing the Ice Guardian for 3 hours because I made the mistake of saving my game after getting the machine part.

Luckily I found this discussion group and found out what happened and had another save file from earlier in the battle. As soon as I overwrote the bad save file it let me hit the beast without booting me out of the game.

I was really looking forward to this game for a while and I was definitely not let down with the game design, graphics, and story. But the bugs are killing me!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Brendan

I think the game deserves a 9 - will people shut up about tomb raider.

Also- Plenty other games have bugs in them especially footballing ones (that's soccer cos I'm Scottish)Anyway, I have not encountered any.

It is very hard and I will not believe anyone who says they got through the game without any hints.

Sometimes he can be a bit slow at turning round and he has got stuck once or twice but overall it's a huge thumbs up to lucasarts!

There is so much to do in the all of the game, it must have 1,000 times as much stuff packed into it than crap games like South Park Rally or something.

(I have had the game for a couple of weeks and have been playing it almost non-stop, I am still only on level 4 - the Shambala Sanctury) http://swimbrendan.homestead.com/swim1.html



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