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Bonus level - moving jumps

Guest poochel

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Guest poochel

Aaarghhh. I cannot get past the second jump in the area where the blocks move out and push you off if you aren't fast enough. Anyone got any really specific pointers about how to get past this? Like, how far back do I jump from, can I grab the ledge and pull up or do I guestimate with a jump -I always get it too short or too long and am obviously missing something here.

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Guest Monique

Oh jeah, that's a disaster. I made a quicksave on every ledge. But I have to give it to you, I nearly made it till the end. It cost me a lot of blood, swet and tears to do it. Everytime I made a run/jump, I saved, got some breath and jumped to the next one. You have to move fast, I tried to run over the right side of the ledge because the moving stone don't give me trouble there. I wish you succes and when you made it, you still have something ahead before you finished. Bye




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Guest Ouly

Don't know what to tell you poochel. I've done that section a couple of times now and never really had a problem with it. I believe I just did a series of 1-step running jumps with perhaps a regular jump if I was landing too close to the outside edge. Just keep moving. You don't have time to stop. Due to the way the animations are loaded into memory and the speed of my comp., I never had the luxury of saving in the middle of a run like that. If I died, I could not start from a position like that. I needed to be in a place where I could jump around and preload the animations I needed. Talk about a bummer. Game me headaches figuring out the plant room in level 4.


[This message has been edited by Ouly (edited June 05, 2000).]

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