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stack on level 10

Guest onasis

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Guest onasis

i stack on level 10.in the pyramid.after i got in the pyramid i find myself in the head of a statue(snake)and i see 2 big doors how do i open the door?

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Guest Monique

light up the torches on both sides of the doors but start with the door at the rear of the statue, light both torches and when door opens you see an pressure-plate. Leave it for now. Go to the other door, light torches and start running back to pressure-plate. Stand on it, and run back to other doors. Enter, you will see a block, climb on it, take Azarim's part. Use that to levitate under the blue crystals on both sides of the wall. (not by the doors)I helped you on your way but the rest you have to find out for yourself. I wish you a LOT OF SUCCES (you'll need it) Byebye




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