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real RPGing?


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I am thinking about geeting an account in SWG, but I have a few questions first. Mainly, my questions involve the roleplaying. First, is this truly roleplaying, where GM's are PAID to keep main storylines going and chars aren't mainly worried about exp. whoring or credit whoring, OOC is frowned upon unless one specifies it is OOC or goes to a private place, and even hunting has drama capabilities? Or is this a hack n slash like Ultima and Everquest with exp. caps and they have their own section of eBay for buying items and exp.? Is the game TOTALLY dependant on chars. to get the plot going, cause it sucks for me when 90% of the game ISN'T context sensitive. I'm glad to hear that lucasarts will be adding plenty of expansions for the game, but eye candy doesn't intrigue me as much as an indepth story that I can manipulate.

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well, it's supposed that is a RP game, but of course you don't have to be incharacter all the time, most of the people are just people who plays a character on the computer and talk like if that character where them in RL, and of course just adding few things when something special happens (for example you want to get married with someone, you are having problems with Rebels/Imperials, things like that.



Also there are few people who likes to be 100% incharacter (like me) but we are very few, and we make you know that sending you a /tell about that so you will understand everything we say. of course that's really hard cause you finish saying something more (unless you make your character a little bit like you)



there is no problem being yourself incharacter, don't worry about that.


and buy the game, is great :p

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To answer your question, NO it's nothing like table top RPG's. There is little plot, the story contests will always be won by the rebels because they have the numbers advantage in the current victory criteria. Yes, it is just Everquest with Star Wars themes. There are very few roleplayers, most folks may as well be playing Doom or Quake; as all they want to do is min/max their characters for PVP.


Typical day for a Rebel Player:

"Horray! We Went and killed Imps and won the day!!!"



Typical Day for Imperial Player:

"Jesus Christ! Where are all these Rebels coming from?? I just cloned a minute ago.. no,Just now again... ahhh.. I'm DEAD AGAIN?"


I've quit participating in the faction missions/contests for

Imperials because it's pointless to try with the overwhelming numbers that the Rebel players have. I just maintain my character because I spent too much money suping up my computer to play the game to not play at this point. I'll probably get sick of it in the next month or two if things don't change. The only thing that keeps me going is the faintest hope that they will balance out the game and start doing something more interesting than "Go kill X Monsters/Enemies to collect the pieces of the widget for recruiter and 500 faction points shall be yours"... But my faith is shrinking quickly.

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I dont agree with that. It mostly depends on where u are. And yes offcourse theres a difference if u walk into a rebel infested place or vice versa but on all of those 10 planets is more then enough room to reside and stay without ever meeting an enemy.


The galactic civil war is always on the move. You just have to know where and if you dont want to fight stay clear of those areas.


RPGing is in there only a bit low profile. This has to grow and i think that the current storyline can benefit from this. Live the moment of SWG and not ur everyday "blastfest"


Oh and listen to Devil Doll indeed buy it.. :D

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