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the valley..level 10

Guest mystlady

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Guest mystlady

for the life of me i can not figure out how to kill that big silly snake. can you give me a hint or any information on this. thanks

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Guest Monique

Hi, when you release the big snake, run back to the other door, step on pressure plate, it wil rise a block in the room where the snake was. Run to that room, climb the block and get the part. Use that part on one of the sides of the big room. Halfway there are blue crystals. Stand on the angelplate, and activate the part. You will levitate by push the upper arrow and when you'r up, face a small ledge, press Alt and you will jump on one of the ledges. walk to the end: there is a plate (a lift). Stand near by the edge with your back to the liftplate. When the big snake is coming to you, step on the plate. It wil lower down and at the same time it will put a stake through the snake. Those stakes are on the four corners near the statue. So see if the snake is above a snakepit and step on the lift. You have to do that many times before you kill Quetzalcoatl. Tip: during running to a levitateplace you can already press E to get the part and ctrl to activate it. As soon you'r under one of the two crystals you get a blue beam and you can levitate. Succes




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