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General Comments about Siege.


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"Saberdamagescale 2 makes Jedi far more useful in Siege than the default 1."


Possibly too useful. I played on a siege server yesterday that had saber damage increased (I didn't ask to what though... forgot). Anyways, map was desert and there was little need for the attackers to be anything BUT jedi.


Dual saber shield + yaw script would kill a wall or door lock in a single hit. It might of not of been 2, but eh... I'd hate to play korriban under those circumstances. Demolition light jedi get the shaft and defending becomes really really hard when structures start to fall in a 1-2 kata's.


It might of been higher than damagescale 2 though.



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This is Raven's suggestion, so I would think they know what works...


That shouldn't be a problem in Korriban, because you can BLOCK lightsabers there, since everybody has one.


In addition, saberdamagescale only affects damage TO PLAYERS, NOT to structures. The default structure damage scale (for sabers) is .4 if I'm not mistaken (would have to check settings) and this is independent of saberdamagescale.


The reason saberdamagescale is lower (1) in duels is so that players can take more hits, meaning duels will take longer, because some people like to have longer duels.


2 gives the sabers usefulness when used with other weapons and your goal is not a drawn out cinematic battle, but quick kills with the saber on the run (or defending).

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