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Do you need 10 additional lots for your buildings? I might be able to help...


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Hey all,


I am looking for someone to trade lots with. I would like to start a large business on Eclipse. However, as most of you well know, to do this requires many buildings, which in turn requires many lots to build on.


I want to know if anyone would be willing to help me out, and in turn maybe I can help you. If you have a character on a server other than Eclipse, how about creating a new character on Eclipse and placing 10 lots worth of buildings for me? In return, I will create a character on your server, and place buildings of your choosing on that character. You’ll be made an admin, and once the building is placed, it is considered 100% yours. I would never go into it, move items around, etc. unless you ask me to. My only interest is getting more lots on Eclipse, the only server I play on.


If anyone is interested, please let me know. I will be happy to exchange email addresses, and we can keep in touch on building placement. The only thing is, if possible, I would prefer not to place harvesters, simply because I work full time, and may not be readily available to move them for you when the resources shift. If this is not a concern for you, then that would be fine.


Please email me at StarWarsSWG@hotmail.com if interested. Thanks! ~Dmfk :chewie:

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