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I see the light!


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Well, it's been well over a year (maybe 2 by now) that I haven't been able to play online. The only GB multiplayer I have is w/ friends who never really rushed. Only in T3 and later were any battles going on. I adapted to their playing style and totally forgot the joy of rushing in T2.


Well, we had a LAN party last weekend. I talked my 2 other teammates (3v3 game), and convinced them to rush in T2. We were hoping I would get pocket since neither one of them had any experience w/ rushing and playing pocket. Well, I got it. A few minutes later, teammate 1 and I rushed one side and tore him to shreads in minutes, while teammate 2 got his rush beaten back. However, his oppenent didn't strike back, so he T4 fast (got 5 full nurseries, he stole the other guys nerfs) and crushed him. Their pocket was only a bump in the road.


Well, now I just gotta get a way back online to play. I miss playing GB. I forgot how fun it was. (although now AoM is taking up time too)

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