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Can You Play Sounds So Others Can Hear?


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I've been goofing around with playing sounds from various people or creatures from JA while playing MP.


For example...


bind O "play sound\chars\<MODEL>\<SOUND>"


But it doesn't seem to work. I can hear the sounds but no one else can.


Is there anyway to do the same kinda thing and have other players hear the sounds also?

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Originally posted by The KONG

I've been goofing around with playing sounds from various people or creatures from JA while playing MP.


For example...


bind O "play sound\chars\<MODEL>\<SOUND>"


But it doesn't seem to work. I can hear the sounds but no one else can.


Is there anyway to do the same kinda thing and have other players hear the sounds also?


The play command does not broadcast to other players, sorry.

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Originally posted by Chewy289

The play command does not broadcast to other players, sorry.

I know. I know that now.


Which is why I'm asking if there is any other way to play sounds and have it so others can hear them.


There must be some way to do it since it's done when you taunt.

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first off for other people to hear your taunt they would have to have that taunt on their computer. If it's a sound that's not in the game there's little chance they will have it.


I don't know the bind for playing taunts in academy, although I did see somewhere that taunt1 is used for academy rather than just taunt.


The thing I would try next if you can't find a bind would be to swap your taunt for the forch push or pull sound in the game. All you have to do is find where the force push sound is in the assets, unzip it, rename your taunt to push then zip it up and create a new .pk3. Then at least that way you can play your taunt by pressing force push.

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Originally posted by peloquin

first off for other people to hear your taunt they would have to have that taunt on their computer. If it's a sound that's not in the game there's little chance they will have it.

I know that. That is why I had said....


Originally posted by The KONG

I've been goofing around with playing sounds from various people or creatures from JA while playing MP.


Obviously they would have to have the same setup for it to work. This should be obvious to anyone. :)


Originally posted by peloquin

I don't know the bind for playing taunts in academy, although I did see somewhere that taunt1 is used for academy rather than just taunt.


The thing I would try next if you can't find a bind would be to swap your taunt for the forch push or pull sound in the game. All you have to do is find where the force push sound is in the assets, unzip it, rename your taunt to push then zip it up and create a new .pk3. Then at least that way you can play your taunt by pressing force push.

If I was to create a new PK3 file then I would have to give that to anyone I want to hear it.


Kinda like If I was using a new model. The PK3 would be loaded for me and not them.


Also, if I was to change the sound used for a force power like you mention or to change the sound used in a taunt that wont' work either.


They would also have to have it changed the same way otherwise they will hear the original sound... the way it's supposed to be played.


I hope what I just said makes sense. If it doesn't try reading it again. IF it still doesn't let me know and I'll try and clarify. :)

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well ok I haven't tried it with academy but for outcast swapping the sounds for push, pull, jump stuff like that worked just fine and dandy as long as you were swapping the sound for a sound that's in the game. People were doing it for R2D2 sounds. They swapped jump, push, pull and pretty much all of em to R2 sounds which you could hear even if you didn't have the sounds swaped yourself. But you might be right that it wont work like that for academy...I don't know have you tried it?

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No I haven't tried.


Honestly I dont' see how it would work in JK2 with people who haven't had it modified. Maybe it does... I'd have to try it out.


I would prefer to not modify like that.


I'm mainly hoping that someone will know of or think of a way to allow me to play sounds as mentioend above and have others hear them. :)

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In CTF and Siege you can send "Voice Chat" (a list of 28 statements in the male or female voice about team related stuff) to your teammates.


Is there a way to bind THOSE to keys? That's what I'm interested in... more than having custom taunts...


I know there's Roger Wilco but this is already built into the game, it should work!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

In CTF and Siege you can send "Voice Chat" (a list of 28 statements in the male or female voice about team related stuff) to your teammates.

You know... I saw that there was a bind for that in the Controls section but was wondering what the hell it was for.


I've tried it and it didn't do anything.... of course I have usually only played Duel or FFA maps.


I'll have to try it out and see what's in there.


I don't imagine there would be sounds I'm looking for in there though... oh well. :(

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