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Server down 24 hours!!


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it could be my connection that messed up but i dont think it is....

however I was unable to access the eclipse server for about 24 hours from yesterday until today...

I just love the game but am i the only one who thinks that the servers are just a bit too unstable to be allowed to be used?

Its such a shame that the players should get annoyed with constant downtime on servers, when the game in itself is as good as it is....

I hope it isnt supposed to be this way? that servers from time to time can be down for a whole day....

Still, a great game indeed:)

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No its not your connection.


Over the last day about 275.000 subscribers could'nt play because the major october update f*cked up de play servers.


They were all down yesterday but i've reason to believe their online as of this moment again so i cant wait till tonight.

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july was a mess, august wasnt so hot, but i did not experience any unscheduled down time for several weeks in a row. it HAPPENS.


just wait till some of these people grow up and work in a place that has computers; a major corporation, even a medium.

i do helpdesk support for a huge company, and there is int ONE SINGLE DAY servers dont go down. alot of people around here HAVE NO CONCEPT of what it takes to keep these things running. so sit on your hand or j*** off or something but geez, shut up. it's only a freakin day. this goes out to 3 days, then theres something to talk about

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I also work for a large multinational IT-buisness and i can hardly say we experience daily downtime on our account and if so we have something called BACKUP its called ITIL process for crying out loud and is a world standard. For that matter if we do have (scheduled) downtime with problems we couldnt not predict we have something called a ROLL BACK PROCEDURE in wich at least more then 85% of our customers can work (read play in this case) on the old situation as it was before an update.


In my opinion SOE does a bad job in updating all the servers at once. I agree that it is difficult in case of client updates but maybe they should have thinked out a way that would cause the launcher and thus the local data to update after character selection and thus server choice was made.


Yesterday all 20 servers where out of commision for almost 20 hours as far as i could see it.


A Roll Back or a 50-50 update had to be the better solution.


I rest my case with saying that i do think the guys and gals at SOE do a great job in working under this difficult circumstances.


So im not negative against them nor am i possitive about there approach.


They do made a great game. Play on!!!

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What have i said ????


Offcourse they need to learn as it is very difficult to satisfy 300.000 peeps of different countrys etc. etc. at the same time.


Again i'll say that i admire SOE for their dedication and stuff no bad words here but all i ment was that a different approach could have saved them lots and lots of angry users. (You know the ones who immedialty want a refund and stuff)


The only reason i reacted to this again is that i would have guessed SOE had learned from the PlanetSide fiasco back in may.


Apperantly not and thats not per se a bad thing.


Besides i havent read their promised stablity per month in percentage so... I dont even know where it would be in their form of Service Level Agreement. If they have that part covered with like say 90% per month availabilty we all have nothing to say cause 1 day doesnt cause the hangover of 90%.


Again: SOE is the best!!! keep on going and dont listen to people like me... :D


Now can we drop this subject.

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