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Player City Information


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I was reading the "In Development" section and i decided to read about Player Citys. I found out that there will be voting, taxation, player owned buildings (Hospitals, parks, cantinas, etc...), Mayor, militia, and more. But what I found most interesting was this:


"Security. The mayor can assign members of the citizenry to the city militia. These players gain the ability to freely enforce the law within the city's borders. Militia members can ask troublemakers or enemies to leave with the new /warn command. If the warned player doesn't leave the city quickly, they will become open to attack from members of the militia. Militia members can also deny undesirables access to city services through the /ban command."


I found that to be really cool. I hope that when th mayor makes a militia he/she gives you a uniform and a weapon, so you can tell who is in the militia. Also I hope there is somthing above your head that shows you are part of a militia. When all this stuff comes out (Space Expansion, vehicles, mounts, player citys, new professions, etc....) this game is going to be sick!!!

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I really didnt fell like fitting it all in one post so i made another.



Anyway, i cant wait for the new professions to come out. I know that politicians, urban planner, and security (Militia) is comming out, but i wounder what else there will be. I also cant wait for new species, weapons, and planets. Since i dont have the game yet by the time i get it there might be new species to choose from. Also as a new planet i hope they add Hoth from "Episode 5 The Empire strikes Back."


Damn I type a lot!!!

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