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Guest Ppk

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The other day when i was on lvl 9 (teowhatever) i went to go place the idols on the stands and my game locked up and returned to the desktop. I called tech support and the problem was i downloaded the patch when i already saved my game witch the guy told me corrupts the game. i had to completely remove the game from my computer then i had to install it again and download the patch before i played. that ment i had to start all over again. now i am currently in Olmec valley. im saying this cause i want to warn everyone. dont download the patch when you have already made savegames! youll have to start from the beggining of the game!



May the force be with you!

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Guest Monique


Yes they say that and when you go to Lucas Arts site then you get the warning also but....I downloaded the patch and I played on (because I patched up on level 15). Later on I started the end of level 4 because I had problems with the icemonster (keep sitting on the ceiling) I opened my game just before entering the "icepalace" and...the monster came down and I could play my game without any problems at all!! Wherever on wich level I open a saved game I have no trouble at all playing it!




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