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pyramids makes me go craazzzzyy!!!

Guest puma

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I don't know what level I'm on. But it's the one with all the pyramids, and were you're supposed to put "sem's eye" in four different statues, to open a door. I've managed to get rid of three of these. I've got one left and a little hole leading into a room filled with snakes wich I can't get through. Sooo, now what!!!??

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Guest Monique


You talk about a hole with snakes behind, is that the hole wich opened when you pushed the eye-button? If so here is what you have to do. It's a passage out of Canofworms Walkthrough

When Indy pushes the button a panel under the button opens and snakes come out. Shoot all the snakes and crawl through the opening.

Turn right (torch here) and climb the ledge. Shoot two spiders in the room on the left.

Continue to a ledge and drop down. Notice the black block on your left. Jump forward to a platform underneath a button.

Pushing the button starts a timed sequence. Push the button then jump back to the previous ledge. The black stone has been raised. Go under it and pull the next block out. The black stone will fall and the block you just pulled will support it.

Turn left, climb up the ledge. Turn right and jump and grab the ledge above. Shimmy right to the end and drop.

Walk to the end of the passage, turn left, go to an intersection.


I hoped it helped you a bit and by the way, you're on level 12 named Meroë







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nope, sorry.

I,ve already done that. Lets talk colors instead. I,ve done red, yellow and gren. I've got one left and nowere to begin. One bar left on the door frown.gif

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