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Clanbase Jedi Academy ladders (or simply: European JA ladders)


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Currently a significant amount of European clans is still waiting for ClanBase ladders (unaware of the 2 other european laddersites that already exist).

Simply because ClanBase is the only european laddersite that is really well known.


However, ClanBase refuses to create Jedi Academy ladders unless we build up a huge load of petition votes for Jedi Academy ladders on ClanBase. (we're currently *only* at 61 votes)

Therefor we (the -=DJM=- clan) ask anyone that reads this to sign the Jedi Academy ladderpetition at:



We hope that a massive amount of votes will sway the view of the ClanBase admins and finally let them start some ladders for Jedi Academy.



Thanks in advance,

Clan -=DJM=-



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