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Two Accounts?


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I don't think so, but do you really want to risk it? I believe that if you have 2 computers running and try to log on another while your brother is on, either 1) You won't be bale to get on cause you only have one sign-in name or 2) you'll be suspended once the game realizes two ame accounts are on


Anywyas, that's my theory. Try it out and let me know

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You may not log onto the same account at the same time from 2 different computers. You can log onto 2 different accounts at the same time on 2 different computers. It goes without saying that you will have to purchase the game twice, one for each account, and then pay for the 2 different accounts.


Cleopatraa Tar'Tareen

CEO Tar'Tareen Enterprises

Corbantis Server

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