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UK Servers


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Hi, I am a total newbie that intends to buy SWG when it comes out over here in a coupla weeks time. Just a few quick questions;


1) How many UK and European servers will there be at launch


2) How many characters can you have in total - is it 8? If so, that means we need to see 8 European servers to make best use of them right?


3) I have an XP2000, 512 mb SDRam, GF4 4400, ADSL, can I expect a decent gameplay experience on that setup?


4) Is it really worth £10 to play per month, in terms of having plenty to actually keep you occupied?



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1) Um...launch was June 26, 2003. There was no Euro servers.


2) You can have 10 characters, 1 per server. There's lots of players from Europe right now, on US servers. It works just fine for them, so I've heard.


4) Depends on how much you want to play. It's about 20$ CAN or something that for me, and it's worth every penny for me. It really all depends on how much you want to put into it.

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1) There will be at least 10 servers located at the Sony prime locations in the UK, Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain. The last two im a bit unsure off cause Sony only has 1 PlanetSide server wich resides in Amsterdam. (Central location and fast bandwidth)


2) You can have a total of 10 chars per account on 10 different servers (Not that u can find the time to play 10 but...)


3) Your system meets the minimum required but as always the more ram the better. Dont expect to slide all graphics sliders to there max though


4) YES! its worth it. Theres plenty to do especialy when u try out the different professions. The montly continued and added content and ingame storyline keep it going too.


Now go get the US version if u cant wait cause playing on US servers from europe goes perfect.

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