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Bounty Hunter's


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if you want to know a master commando and tka, can win, cause tka gives a bonus in ranged combat, and they get knockdown, also the can revive themselves. also, you can have the slicing ability in smuggling, which allows you to slice ur weapons. and my friend is becoming a master armor smith so then i will have some highly resistant electric armour, there you llc cannon will be useless. see my point? i have read up and studied bonuses.

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I was a Master Commando before,I surrendored it because normaly I would die before I could even take a shot on my opponent.


Also,so your telling me you need a Master Commando,Master Tera Kasi,Master Snuggler to take down a Bounty Hunter?Who would get ALL those people just to kill a BH?(No offence)


Yes,Commandos can kill BH but 90% of the time the Commando can't attack before the BH makes the Commando dizzy,bleed,flame,and a few Eye shots:)If the commando can't take the first shot its all over.That is why I surrendored Commando.


Last but not least,if your planning on doing TONS of damage,you will,but don't plan on attack REAL fast,if you dont have a good gun(in speed)you will die or lose TONS of life when waiting to attack.And if your planning to take down At-At.........just try it:D




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