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After some extensive reading through these forums, I was unable to find what I had hoped to stumble on to...


A basic (how to) if you will, of how to do various saber moves.


I can find the very basic moves, but i've seen far more advanced stuff done. Some involving just good cordination and quick key combinations, others involving scripting...


I was wondering if perhaps someone could enlighten me on where to better find out how to do some of the various moves out there.


Thank you...


- DgrenJ

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There is an in-game help that shows all the moves and how to perform them (both for single player and for multiplayer).


Go play (or setup perhaps)--->rules----->moves



That should help. The manual is pretty helpful as well, just keep in mind that "hilt bash" is an error... it's not actually in the game.


PS: If you want multiplayer help, visit the site in my signature!

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