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That is the same spot I am at in the Rebal themepark as well. I have found all kind's of Jedi ruin's and even the deserted Rebal base, but I have yet to find him. I started a thread about where to find him, but of corse no one ever replyed. If I do find him I will post it to let you know, and if you would be so kind as to if you find him to post it here so I could know if you find him before me.

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After spending nearly 12 hours looking for this guy in game and surfing the web for clues - I discovered ....





and you dont need him either.


After you finish the Han Solo missions and he sends you to Dantooine for Lt. Lance - just go to CAPTAIN Ackbar in the NW corner of the map at the secret rebel base. Ackbar is in the center section in the right side of the building on the ground floor. He has 5 missions then sends you to Mon Mothma (who is upstairs in the same building). Mothma gives you 5 missions then sends you to Yavin to see General Dodonna at the Massassi temple (5098, 5560). After completing his missions you see Luke for the final missions (I think they're the final ones anyway).


Hope this helps - sorry I dont have exact waypoints for Ackbar and Mothma.

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