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About commandoes


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ok hold on now, what the heck are you guys talking about?! i mean i read these posts about commandos blowing the heck outta at-sts (yes we do that very very good) and then people saying that if you back up to 64m commandos are useless. the whole idea behind a commando is to pose a fair (or unfair) challenge against any profession from ANY range....let me say that again as it seems, mildly important. the whole idea behind a commando is to pose a fair (or unfair) challenge against any profession from ANY range. the flamethrower singleshot2 is effective at 19m from the target. if something is farther away then that then you can do one of two things.


a. move closer and possibly get shot before you got close.


or b. toss a grenade at it. with the new patch at-sts are vulernable to blast damage so grenades even before then were in most cases more effective than the flamethrower without the burn damage over and over. now the grenades wreck at-sts.


now say the person sees you and is smart enough to get out of grenade and flamethrower range? well gee at 64m your accuracy with the rocket launcher is IN-CRED-ABLE... a master commando with a rocket launcher will turn that at-st into a pile of rubble in ONE (yes one) shot. if you think commandos need to be nerfed then you simply dont know how to fight one. learn their weaknesses (dizzy, blindness, knockdown, pet resists to name a few) and then exploit them heavily. good commandos will do what they can to keep you from exploiting these, good players tryign to kill a commando will do what they can to get the commando into a position where he is very ineffective. a good example is to blind them then get to medium range and let him just try and hit you with a grenade (better pray he misses).


basically what im getting to is that commandos are as strong as you let them be. if you want to kill a commando find things that really mess him up and use those to your advantage. if your a commando trying to get better against something like an at-st then find the at-st weaknesses (worst range, vulnerablities, stupidity of the human controlling it) and use those to your advantage. i just wish everyone would stop whinning so much. simply cause the commando has the potential to wreck everything, doesnt mean he can.

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