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Will it be worth it for me to play?


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I have been Playing Many RPG's For a long time including EQ, AC1 , AC2, ENB, AO and Planet side. This one IMO is not as bad as others where when they first started out... They Progress in fixing things as fast as they can. Now if your not a programmer or understand what a farm is besides the one in a country side then you need to read up on this before you complain that the game is buggy, should be in beta. From all the games I played this game has a lot of content if you actually look for it.. Lots of npc missions you can do. There are more options in SWG that outweighs the bugs you see. The Question bout nerfing ask yourself this how would you go by fixing something that was not intended to work the way it was? Do you fix it to the way is supposed to be or do you just power up ever skill to match? Well simple programming tells you fix the issue so it could be balanced. Now if they fixed a bug that lets people have 2 pets out when they don't supposed to is that a nerf? no thats an exploit. Just like the Rancor... People Making you bleed as a doctor w/o you being TEF.. IF you don't like the game don't play it.. No one is forcing you to play.. You and only you is clickng the launch button.. Above all else this is just a game. There are other things you can do besides complaining just go play somewhere else. Take your Girlfriend out for the night on the town.. Take a vacation.. Hell go play some RPG or something.. Just don't complain if you don't understand on how much actual round the clock work it takes for a MMORPG this size to run as stable as it runs now and only keeps getting better.

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First of all, Rado's got it down pat. Don't play, play, it doesn't matter to me if you don't, or you do. But don't bitch about it. LordBigJ, it's hard for me to imagine you functioning at all in life with your grammar and spelling issues. Read a book, that's how you become educated. It's not from ranting, or from testing betas. You're not the expert. The people who conceived and programmed are, in fact, the experts. And one more thing. I am an entertainer as well as a rifleman. While it's true that it's not very exciting running macros all day long while others heal their mind wounds, I find it very exciting developing a camaraderie with the same people every night who are in the same boat as me. It's great fun in the Moenia Cantina, on Radiant Server.




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Well guys, I took the positive advice and got the game.

I've been in for a week and am quickly progressing towards master marksman... just got to finish up a couple more skills and get the apprentice points. I've also been slowly working through the engineering section of artisan to become an armorsmith or weaponsmith. I've met a few great players who have helped me out, taken me on larger-scale hunting trips to net me some big experience, given me advice, taught me how different professions work, and basically how to make the game the most fun.


I've found the game to be great. I'm totally addicted and would reccommend it to anyone. I've not ran into any of the horrible bugs I was warned about, and I have so much fun playing I truly believe the monthly cost is worth it.


If anybody who's been following this post wants to join me on a hunt or just hang out in the cantina, I'm basically living in Mos Eisley. I love Tatooine; much better than Naboo where I started out. I'll probably never leave.

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I'm glad to hear you like this game, I knew you would. If you think about it there is well over 300,000 players and only a small minuet percentage of people have problems playing the game and they are the loudest posters because they can't play like the masses and they sit here yelling instead....


I still love this game and just this weekend on limited playing time I managed to tame 3 Grual Maulers....YEAH. I had a great idea to stock my data box with 3 kaadu's, 1 mountain dewback, 1 brackaset for mounts... I also tamed a Huurton stalker. So when the MOUNT UPDATE comes out I would be able to sell the Kaadu's for big bucks when they are fully grown and tamed for mounts... But when I had the chance to tame 3 Grual Mualers and 1 Huurton stalker, I had to let all the Kaadu's and mountain dewback go.... :( I need to get more CH exp to store more pets and get high enough to transfer pets over lvl15... Oh well I can make good money on Darth doing missions for 21,000 credits a pop.

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