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UK Player joining SWG - currently has 2 EnB accounts.


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Hello folks.

As you know SWG is released in the UK at the end of the month

I am looking for advice on a server to join. Possibly one that has EnB Galileo players and a large UK user base.

I am still looking at which profession to begin with and think i may start Artisan but not sure which Species to go, possibly Bothan,Human,Rodian or Wookie.

Any advice on where to start my SWG experience and a good starting profession/race would be most appreciated.

If you play EnB you can /t me on Galileo as Anakhahawk or Elbegast. Will check back here for any tips and advice.

Cheers folks. Roll on 31st October.

Oh yeah one other thing, i dont get Adsl till end of November. Is SWG gonna run ok on Isdn? Currently run 2 EnB accounts with no problems so hopefully i'll be ok till then.



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