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Inspector Canard won't accept the screw???


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This is the second time I've begun playing Escape from Monkey Island, and now I got stuck! After a while I had to give up. Now I've browsed every walkthrough I've found and everywhere it says I should give the screw to inspector Canard and that he then should remove my anklet. But he doesn't!!! This must be a bug??? I've installed the patch ofcourse... He simply tells me that I have to find anything else to prove that Pegnose Pete did it...


Please help...

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The screw proves that the nose found at the scene of the crime (the bank) is property of Pegnose. Obviously, if you have the screw you've picked up the loot, and I assume you've kidnapped Pete - so maybe you just need to grab the nose from the bank?

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Yes, you're right. I'm a complete idiot ;)

For some reason I thought I did that already. This is typical me in adventuregames - I get stuck because I think I've done something or tried something that I haven't... And I never learn... ;):rolleyes:

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