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SWGB buildings vs. AOK buildings

Guest Arathorn_7

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Guest Arathorn_7

It took me a little while to really get which buildings in SWGB I needed to build and such. So, I made a quick list of buildings and what they represent in AOK.




Command Center - Town Center

prefab shelter - house

Carbon Proc. Cntr. - Lumber camp

Nova Proc. Cntr. - Mining camp (gold)

Ore Proc. Cntr. - Mining Camp (stone)

food proc. cntr. - Mill

shipyard - dock

spaceport - market

war center - blacksmith

research center - university

troop center - barracks, archery, stable?

Fortress - castle

Heavy Weapons Factory - Siege workshop

light turret - watch tower

sentry post - outpost



Unique SWGB

animal nursery - this is needed for mounted units and with animals in it you get a constant flow of food?

airbase - flying units

jedi temple - I guess this is kind of like the monastery (except these monks kick butt.)

mech factory - this might be like the stable in that the scout is created here.

power core - plant one of these down to increase effiecency of stuff in their range also needed to have a shield generator operational

sheild generator

anti air turret - like the towers but good defense against air units

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