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Stuck in Olmec Valley with snake

Guest roadrunner

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Guest roadrunner

I've been in Olmec valley all evening - stuck in the gameplay where the giant snake is

released. I've got him released and have the part and then jump down from where the part was located, run to one of those tiles that look like lily (under the blue crystals),

activate the part and it hums - but it never levitates Indy. He just stands on the tile and eventually the snake gets him. I've run from tile to all 4 tiles and activated the part but still no sign of levitation. It just glows blue. If I use the arrow up/down keys, he just moves on and off the tile. Can you tell me what on earth I'm doing wrong??? I'm hopelessly stuck! Have read most of the other postings but don't see this one. Thanks.

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Hey, I'm new to the forums, (just came here tonight). About your question, I was stuck there too! Althogh I don't know why I didn't think of the answer before...What you do, is when you hit control and the little blue light thingy comes around u, hehe, you press 'up'. That will levitate Indy up to where you go step on this little pads, which shoots spears up, if u time it right, u can kill the big old snake! Glad to be of help, smile.gif

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