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Important Account Questions?


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I have a couple important questions concerning my account. Is my character data stored on my computer in case I want to make a backup of those files, or is it all just stored on some Sony server?

Also, if I decide to lay off of playing and don't pay for the service for a couple months, can I go back after that time and start from where I left off with my previous character, or is all that information deleted as soon as I stop paying for the monthly service (in other words, do I have to keep my account active continually in order to maintain my character and progress)?


Thanks for the help.

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Considering my experience with PlanetSide i hope i can answer this (hoping SOE keeps the same policy for SWG as PS)


Your character(s) are stored on the SOE server.


Your account will remain available for 1 year after you last logged on even if you cancel your account.


Hope it helpend and hope im still right and SOE didnt change their policys on this. In that case write an email to SOE.

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