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One of the nicest FT i have...


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3.4 is pretty good, not bad at all..I have to thank Cubone on the Ahazi server for giving us all some great uber weapons, i bought one of his 4.3 speed 448-864 damage unsliced flames, and got it sliced for 35% speed, ending up with a 2.9 speed flamer..but all this is for nothing, as i am dropping master commando after getting owned too many times in PVP =P. So if anyone wants to buy this flame, on the Ahazi server, send a /tell to Trebir Moonlighter. (Going for master smuggler/pistoleer now, i might consider trading it for an uber FWG5)


P.S. i payed 250k for it unsliced, and at its current speed, i dont think ill be giving it away cheap...

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have you tryed other weapons in PVP? I haven't tryed the Acid Rifle yet but I want to... Have you tryed garnades or rocket laucher in PVP?

I am not a PVP yet but what i read everywhere is Commando and BH and CH are the best in PVP.

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Dont get me wrong, commandos could be great for PVP. Maybe i just have bad tactics or something. But my grenades miss 50% of the time, same with heavy support weapons. And the acid rifle is ghetto-fabulous, it is basically green flme, they need new animations for that.


Master smuggler+pistoleeer will be more fun for me i think

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