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Combat Tactics


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Could someone help a newbie out. SWG is really my first RPG. I love the environment and playing around with all of you. But... I fell like a fith wheel on hunts, and fighting Stormtroopers is usless because I always die. As far as I can tell (being new to RPG) Combat tactics is just credits. If you have enough credits to get the fastest most powerfull weapon and the most expensive and resistant armor, you win at everything. There's no skill from an individual point, just waiting until you get this skill point set and your done, you kill everybody. Am I missing something, I really want to last longer in a fight, and complete the monthly stories. Plz help!

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Here's a few basic tactics:


1. Get a pet or 6, send them in first, then attack. The pets will hopefully hold the agro while you take shots from a distance.

2. Bleed and run.

3. Shoot, heal yourself, rinse and repeat.

4. Pull the enemy into an area with friendly NPCs. Hopefully they will attack your target and hold the agro.

5. When in doubt, burst run out.

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Welcome impala. This is also my first MMORPG but I think I have caught on quick. I can't speak for other games but with SWG you get out of it what you put into it. If you play 4 or 5 hours a day, sometimes 8 or 10, every day then you are going to level quick and you will learn faster. If you only play 1 or 2 hours a day then you will level slower and you will not be able to hunt in big groups as much as someone who plays more. I don't think the items in SWG are as important as skills. You will be unable to effectively use some of the better weapons until you get to a certain level. I have a LLC but can't use it until I get about 30k more rifle xp, train master marksman then train bounty hunter. I tried using it the other day and did like 10 dmg per shot. And I would not be where I am now with my character without my pet and my droid. Get a probot droid and a cowardly gurreck. I assigned my droid the same commands as my pet except attack. i like to be able to send my pet in first because my droid can't take as much damage. Also, get pet stims to heal your pet. I didn't know this at first and it would take me about 15 minutes between missions to heal my pet. now I can heal my pet from him being dead to him being fully healed in about 20 seconds. It is worth the money. And speaking of money a good way to make money is sell faction points. I made 60k last night from selling 350 rebel fp's.

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I'm not exactly sure who makes pet stims but you can find them on the bazaar. i got some last night in anchorhead that heal 728. The stims I make heal around 100 so you can see the difference. A probot droids only purpose is for fighting. They don't do lots of damage but I use my when doing missions to kill imps and MOST of the time when the battle is over I am almost dead so if it wasn't for my droid I would probably die alot more. Droids average 10k credits I think and you can get a cowardly gurreck for about 15k. I got mine for 10k but I don't see them that cheap anymore. Just remeber to disband when selecting a mission or you will get a very hard mission since it is based on the skill in your whole group. I forgot to disband the other night and got a mission for 5k. I was excited until I got out there and saw an at-st. Now someone please tell me how I am supposed to kill at-st even with cowardly gurreck and probot droid I have no chance.

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So what your saying then is it comes down to money to buy the pets and droids, right? This can make you miss Bounty Hunter for PS2, but I'll see what I can get. Do you have to buy the pet then a deed or does one come with the other? I've seen deeds and pets for sale seperate is why I ask.

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pets show up in your datapad or inventory. they do not show up as a deed. there is no deed involved with a pet. I play on starsider server and at the coronett starport you can always find someone selling pets. droids are mostly sold from vendors in someones house. I don't know if they are listed on there but you might try ctrl+v in game and search for a vendor that way. You really will not need a pet until you get higher level. If you are just starting out you should concentrate on doing missions and killing things on your way out to the mission and on the way back. if you do that you will level quicker. pick up some med skills when you are just starting out so you can heal yourself. i would also recommend scout skills as camps and maskscent are very helpful when soloing. eventually you will start getting missions where you will need pets but until then I would not buy them.

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