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Level 16/N-64

Guest petes

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Trying to get through the N-64 version and am stuck on level 16. Have collected all of King Sol's gems and am trying to get to lower level of arena to place gems in door. However, the only aetherium tube I can see that goes down to the level I am unable to get down without dying. Please help!! How do I get to lower level of arena???

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Guest teworthy

I am stuck in the same location as well. I have sent an email to LucasArts with my thinking that it is a bug. I have not heard from them yet. Also, I noticed that the aetherium shafts disappeared after the cut scene where Indy talks to Sophia in the sphere. I may attempt to restart the level and not do this cut scene and see if the shafts stay. I will only do this if LucasArts doesn't get back to me soon.

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Guest Jamison

I am still behind you guys. I hope to catch up soon, but with this semester going full force, it might be awhile. Have you checked the online walkthroughs? There is a thread a couple of post down that contains a couple of links.



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Guest RevengeFan

Restart the level. I had to restart it to get down there. I now have a 1990 IQ. One more treasure to go!

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Guest Jamison

I had to restart Babylon because of a bug in the N64 version. Luckily, it is just as fun the second time through!



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Guest teworthy

With absolutely no help from Lucas Arts, I finally finished the level. What I had to do was restart the level from the begining. This time, I skipped the cut scene where Indy talks to Sophia while she is still in the sphere. This time, the aetherium shafts did not disappear.

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