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What the hell is up with the mine car?

Guest Jane Doe

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Guest Jane Doe

I have changed every switchtrack to a million combinations. I ran the Commies off the track. I have gotten out and gone swimming, shot people, found treaures, oiled #4, etc. I hit my head a lot. Now I am stumped and going in circles, still hitting my head a lot. The helper "X" points to a spot on the track right next to the control room. I stopped there. I walked a round. I tried my whip. I jumped. I pressed "ctrl." I changed the tracks and it said to change them back and then went back to the same spot. I am bored now. Any help?

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Your goal is to find King Sol's three gems.




In the place where the "bazooka cutscene" hopefully happened there is a crosspoint just before the exit gate. Stop immediately after the crosspoint and go backwards, this will take you to a new place.


In the same "bazooka cutscene" place there is a hole with a pool. Dive into to go to the "z-shaped room". Climb to the top.


At switch 4, follow the trails by foot. Go to switch 5 and beyond where hopefully those commies already broke the dead-end barrier. Whip over there.


There is another place where the red gem is located. You reach it by switching #2 or #3 as far as I remember. At the moment I'm playing the game all over again but I'm not in the mines yet.


Hope this helps.

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