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Level 10

Guest Carina

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Guest Carina

I have killed the snake and tried floating up to all the jewels but cannot find an exit. Have tried floating up the center of the pyramid, but cannot get airborne. Please help!




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Guest Jane Doe

You know how there are floating spots on the sides where the gaps in the ledge are? There is a simple of an angel on the ground there? Well there are two more towards teh middle along the other walls' ledges. Look on the ground for angels and look at the roof for blue crystals. That is your key. One of them will just put up up on a ledge...one will put yuo right at a new door that opened up...but be careful out there!

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Guest Carina

Thank you for answering.

I've tried what you said but there isn't any way out. Where exactly should the door open ?

In the celing? I float up (I've tried all four crystals) but no way out (no door opened). HELP!


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Carina, did you really kill that huge snake named Quezalcoatl using the platforms which cause the spikes come out of the ground?


The exit gate you're after should appear immediately after you got rid of that Q creature.


You would then reach it by floating up one of the blue crystals which hang a bit higher than the other ones you used before.

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Guest Carina

Yepp, I killed the snake but nothing happend.

It's a bug in the game so i had to start all over again from the beginning of the level.

There are too many bugs in the game!!!

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Guest Carina

Yes, I did, before I've got the problems with a lot of bugs. For example after the jeep trekk i've lost all my weapons and medicins. I had to start all over again (once again). I really like the game so I can't stop playing it.

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