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Q3 model, possability of converting to JA?


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oh wow.....now how did they pull off a raziel model for Q3? did they have any models that thin?


personally i would love to try, but i do have limited experience myself. i would be doing it merely for the chance to gain experience(and the model itself) :) and so i doubt you'd want to wait as long as it would take me to get everything right. let me know where you got the model. as for someone to do it, i know someone with the know how, whether or not he would be interested in doing it is debatable, but there's really only one way to find out.


here's alink to his website, use the contact link and ask him....




also, heard anything about when Defiance will be out for PC. looks awesome. wish raven had as intricate a combat system as LOK.

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